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...  Entrance to Paradise的版權申請。Dr. Stephen Thaler亦為AI系統DABU ...全文


籲兩手準備先避險 轉吸新經濟內需股

... 移」(flight to quality),轉投至國債、黃金、貨幣基金和高息股避險,導致風險資產估值收縮。他說 ...全文


黑天鵝當無事 下季審慎樂觀

... was wrong to say sell."。的確,就算看到股市會有危機,投機者往往輕視了在流動性充足的金融 ...全文



... esponding to a More Connected and Volatile World)的政策文件, ...全文


An insolvency iceberg?

The sudden collapse of Silicon Valley Bank on March 10 was met by an equally swift response from US regulators, who announced plans to make whole all depositors, including the uninsured. But the SVB f ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-31

The population boon

An easy way to start a long, heated debate is to mention global population. Thomas Malthus famously ignited furious arguments in the nineteenth century when he warned that, absent fertility-control po ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-31

The ESG train has left the station. Now what?

ESG is not new, but interest in it has certainly blossomed in recent years. PWC estimated in October 2022 that globally, ESG-related assets under management (AuM) will reach $33.9T by 2026. With a pro ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-31

杜家軒否認指控 稱與三合會無聯繫

... 商杜家軒(Gary To)共同擁有,他是澳門太陽城集團創辦人周焯華前拍檔。杜家軒否認參與任何走私石油活動。 《 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年03月31日


...  business to Hong Kong)」。 百多名滙控管理層一連3日在港島南區海洋公園酒店下榻,祈耀年 ...全文



... riana Donato與兇手James Stoneham剛分手不久,James一直受憂鬱症困擾,Adrian ...全文


【盤房來料】港股暫守二萬關 20天及250天線不容再失

... 與更多商流平台合作,To C業務(同城配送服務 - 對消費者業務)用戶滲透率逐步提升,並預計同城配送業務收入將 ...全文


Time for a break, but what comes after is unclear

Jerome Powell was clear on 22 March: the Fed, with the other government agencies, has the tools to address stress in the banking sector, which, as a result, will not undermine its objective of bringin ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-30

Hong Kong start-up wins first Deignan Award

A seven-year-old Hong Kong start-up has won the first gold Deignan Award for Responsible Entrepreneurship. GoGoChart Technology has provided digital solutions to more than 2,000 in different sectors i ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-30

On leadership

What makes a good leader? Folks beg to disagree over this seemingly innocuous yet fundamentally divisive question. Some posit that leaders are defined by their ability to inspire and motivate others - ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-30

Which HK district is most defensive in home rental?

Yes, the border is open. Yet, the business is not back. That has been reflected in the residential rental market in Hong Kong, where 90 per cent was below the pre-pandemic level, according to Centanet ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-29

Who should be bailed out next?

... t we dare to hope that a similar sense of urgency and ambitious deployment of resources be brought to bear on the compounding crises confronting more than half of the world’s low-income countries? The ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-29

Getting geopolitics right

I’m no expert in geopolitics. Yet there are a few thoughts that I’d like to explore - in a conversational manner - with folks who are interested in geopolitics, and from whom I most certainly hope to ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-29


...  (Taiwan) to the Republic of Fiji)及享有依據1971年《斐濟外交特權及豁免法 ...全文



... 族主義者》(How to Be an Antiracist)和科貝(Maia Kobabe)的《性別酷兒:一本 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2023年03月28日

Talent development takes years, so we should start now

...  proposes to establish an artificial intelligence supercomputer center to promote AI development and scientific research. I advocated this 12 years ago and I am very pleased to see the proposal materi ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-28

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