
共 1915 個結果
頁數:1...70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 ...96


... 務亞太區主管霍德傑(Chris Fordham)指出,結果反映環球執法力度加大、偵測欺詐的技術提升,依然不足以 ...全文



... 務亞太區主管霍德傑(Chris Fordham)表示,貪污問題過去6年沒有得到改善,這反映儘管全球和地區的執法 ...全文



... 合。不過美國食品顧問Chris Lukehurst卻解釋,雲呢拿之所以受到大部分人的鍾愛,是因為它的味道最接近 ...全文



... kit首席業務分析師Chris Williamson表示,第二季開始製造業增長進一步疲弱,但整體增速依然強勁。 ...全文


Facebook to play cupid in online dating debut

... JDate and ChristianMingle, fell 7.3 percent before recovering and closing up 0.8 percent. A prototype displayed on screens at the F8 conference showed a heart shape at the top-right corner of the Face ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-02

德銀重組博翻身 市場潑冷水

... 及德銀行政總裁索英(Chris Sewing)變陣。 「瘦身」削成本難達標 德銀的投資銀行業務前景並不明朗,回 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年04月30日


... 年NFL新秀波蘭特(Chris Borland),即使飽受四方壓力,依然堅定不移以過來人身份,公開講述腦震盪的 ...全文


Opposition lawmaker under fire over phone-snatching incident

... Barrister Chris Ng Chung-luen, convenor of the Progressive Lawyers Group, said Hui could be incriminated as long as it can be proved the officer was shocked, no matter if there was physical contact be ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-26

法國4月製造業PMI略遜預期 創13月低

... rkit首席經濟學家Chris Williamson稱,如果沒有罷工影響,反彈表現會更好。他指,調查受訪企業預 ...全文


Morgan Stanley tamps down enthusiasm on record profit

... r analyst Chris Kotowski said Morgan Stanley had beat estimates in nearly all of its businesses. Its report followed similarly sunny earnings from JPMorgan Chase & Co., Citigroup Inc., Bank of Ame ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-19


Facebook(fb)的聯合創辦人Chris Hughes最近指出,公眾對fb的監督「早就該實施了」,宣稱「 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2018年04月16日

How should the crypto-rich spend their money?

... tor named Chris Larsen – was estimated to be worth US$8 billion. According to the magazine’s editor, the best way to pull digital currencies out from the shadows and “into the adolescence of a legiti ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-16

Data privacy concerns rise as Facebook admits tracking non-users

... rmation," Chris Calabrese, vice president for policy at the Center for Democracy & Technology, a Washington advocacy group, told Reuters. Facebook gets some data on non-users from people on its ne ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-16

Press freedom in Hong Kong at record low, index shows

... he issue. Chris Yeung Kin-hing, chairman of the association, said the incumbent SAR government has done little to change the factors that are considered harmful to the press freedom in Hong Kong since ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-12

歐羅區3月製造業PMI終值 8個月新低

... 企業經濟學家威廉遜(Chris Williamson)稱,不應該過於憂慮PMI的下滑,因為活動增速自跨年期間飆 ...全文


Creating a favorable environment for talent

... tioned by Chris Woolard, director of strategy and competition at FCA, “the creation of global standards is unrealistic” as it would take 20 years to negotiate, and it is certainly too slow for the rap ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-29

First-aid tips for travelers

Easter is around the corner and many people are preparing to travel overseas during the long holiday weekend. The following quick-fix tips may be helpful in case of minor injuries while traveling. 1. ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-29

美國原油庫存增幅較預期高 紐約油價跌逾1%

... ors首席能源策略師Chris Kettenmann認為,煉油產量需求有所增強,紓緩市場對首季石油需求疲弱而引 ...全文



... 編輯克里斯.安德森(Chris Anderson)提出大資料最終將揭示一切真理,不再需要科學或理論,顯然,這並 ...全文

今日信報理財投資博集先機Dirk Helbing2018年03月28日

頁數:1...70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 ...96

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