
共 2114 個結果
頁數:1...91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 ...106


... 自抬身價,顯得似乎很Grand。 筆者記得第一次聽到「銀座式商場」這個詞,正是佐敦廣場1992年開售時,該商場 ...全文


2 California Fitness staffers arrested on unfair trade practices

... center in Grand Plaza around 2 p.m. Tuesday. The Customs Department acted on the complaint of a female customer who was allegedly forced to spend HK$10,000 on a membership contract using her credit c ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-27

What's wrong with normal?

... n for the Grand Old Party. The first election campaign that I got involved in was some 50 years ago, in New York, where all of today’s candidates – Republican and Democrat – recently traded blows, wit ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-27

Taking on Tesla: China's Jia Yueting aims to outmuscle Musk

...  on their grand visions. Last week Jia unveiled the LeSEE electric concept supercar, a rival to the Model S designed by Tesla founder Elon Musk.  The "smart, connected and self-driving" car will be di ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-25

Taxi takes a leaf out of video game, mounts Light Rail track

... ht out of Grand Theft Auto, an action-adventure video game with plenty of wild car racing and stealthy competition set in a fictional city. -- Contact us at [email protected] EL/AC/RA ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-22

回顧Louis Latour成就

... 內擁有最多特級莊園(Grand Cru)的酒商集團。總部設於Aloxe-Corton村,主力以有機葡萄耕作法打 ...全文


入場40萬 最高回報逾5厘

... ,日前尖沙咀柯士甸站GRAND AUSTIN一個單號車位,以屋苑新高價246萬元成交,原業主持貨約1年,賬面獲 ...全文



樓價連月下跌,惟車位市場的表現相對理想,部分屋苑更錄得新高成交。尖沙咀柯士甸站GRAND AUSTIN一個單號 ...全文



... 地並部署季內推售元朗GRAND YOHO、峻巒及西半山巴丙頓道項目,3盤涉及1857伙。 新地副董事總經理雷霆 ...全文



... ram Extra Grand早年現身於德國德勒斯登,車身長度逾30米,車廂劃分成三個區域,一次過便能運載25 ...全文


One Belt One Road: Where even propaganda fails

... brace the grand strategy and seize the opportunities that it provides. The concept of OBOR was unveiled in 2013. Superficially, Xi and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) promoted the plan as an initiat ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-15

Nylonkong fades out, Nylonpore fades in

... rmula One Grand Prix, Hong Kong is preparing for its first Formula E race to be held later this year. But a key Hong Kong advantage -- financial services -- has come into question after Moody’s and St ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-14

Sharapova ban could be lifted after anti-doping agency's U-turn

... five-time grand slam tennis champion Maria Sharapova, who was among 40 Russian athletes to test positive for the drug after it was added to WADA's list of banned substances in January. Sharapova's law ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-14

GRAND AUSTIN劈租 4房低市價13%

市場連錄低市價租務成交,尖沙咀柯士甸站GRAND AUSTIN一間4房戶連車位,以月租4.6萬元租出,若扣除車 ...全文


懷念阿爾薩斯陽光——Etienne Hugel

... 力使用「特級莊園」(Grand Cru)葡萄,卻不跟隨其他酒莊印上「特級莊園」字樣的,認為阿爾薩斯就是一體的風 ...全文


How Hong Kong independence can be legal

... ds of the Grand Historian, a monumental history book on ancient China,  says Hong Kong was annexed by Qin Shi Huang (秦始皇). He sent convicts to the new territory and subsequently began establishing set ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-13

Getting lost in 'One Belt, One Road'

...  for this grand strategy as a lethal weapon that can hopefully help China replace the United States in 20 years’ time as the world’s No. 1 superpower. Curiously, however, the once intense media hype a ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-12


... 多處理得好,由天價的Grand Cru Ceasse到一般的Cau Bourgeols都有,偏遠一點的產區就叫 ...全文


乘風破浪 帆船主題腕錶

...      瑞士雅典表Grand Deck Marine Tourbillon 44毫米18K白金錶殼配UN-6 ...全文


Prize-winning architect Zaha Hadid dies

Zaha Hadid, an Iraqi-British architect known for her grand, avant-garde projects, died on Thursday. She was 65 years old. Hadid contracted bronchitis earlier this week and died of a sudden heart attac ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-01

頁數:1...91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 ...106

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