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... 醫管當局,例如美國的FDA,從來就未曾批准過一個「標明能抗衡擴散」的藥。 為什麼那麼差勁?因為有關當局,對一個 ...全文


美男同志捐血解禁 仍被斥歧視

... 國食品及藥物管理局(FDA)表示,作出有關決定是因為最新科學研究顯示,無限期禁止男同性戀者捐血,不一定對防止愛 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年12月23日


... stration, FDA)的批准。藥物研發的成功與否,直接依賴於具有可重複性的臨床前(preclinical ...全文



... 成藥;明年一旦獲美國FDA(美國食品藥物管理局)批准,產品立刻就可推出美國市場,有望成為該公司新的增長點。 上 ...全文


推情趣用品「入屋」 瑞典金融碩士設計贏iPhone 5

... 則來自日本。因要取得FDA(美國食品藥品管理局)認證而需要人體測試。「我們留在上海工作,每周都要去工廠,監測進 ...全文



... ,或將成為首家獲美國FDA新藥批准的中國藥企。2004到2014的10年間,劉殿波領導綠葉製藥先後在新加坡和香 ...全文


Genetically modified salmon gets US nod

... lesh. The FDA “determined that they have met the regulatory requirements for approval, including that food from the fish is safe to eat”, said Bernadette Dunham, director of the FDA Center for Veterin ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-20


... 年美國食物及藥物局(FDA)已批准腦磁激治療抗藥性抑鬱症,2011年FDA更正式確認腦磁激可有效治療抗藥性抑鬱 ...全文



... 心今年在校內推行名為FDA(Food Detective Academy)活動,教導學生綠色飲食,並在學校天台 ...全文


發明新法驗血致富 女版喬布斯遭質疑

... 國食品及藥物管理局(FDA)取得批准。但為證明其效用,霍姆斯決定向FDA申請許可,讓Theranos名正言順進 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2015年11月14日

Hong Kong govt to act after Taiwan bans certain sodas

... stration (FDA) under the Ministry of Health and Welfare ordered the hypermarket chain RT-Mart on Thursday to pull all citrus-flavored Mountain Dew sodas from its shelves by the end of that day after r ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-13


... 國食品及藥物管理局(FDA)批准用於治療風疹的生物製劑,能夠與免疫球蛋白(IgE)分子結合,阻止其與在肥大細胞 ...全文


How Chinese suppliers to global drug firms hide bad test results

...  ran. The FDA inspectors at Zhejiang Hisun Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. (600267.CN) never found out what the worker took from the computer, but they found plenty of other things, according to agency docume ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-29

FDA approves 'female Viagra' with strong warning

... said. The FDA had twice rejected the drug. But the latest decision comes after an advisory panel concluded in June it should be approved with strict measures in place to ensure patients are fully awar ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-19

How Kim Kardashian got a drug company in trouble

...  URLs the FDA cited, suggesting they may have been taken down. As of midday on Tuesday, a tweet that linked to the Instagram endorsement was still live. The FDA letter, dated Aug. 7, asked Duchesnay t ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-12

Novartis wins US approval for heart failure drug

... citing an FDA statement. The treatment combines the Novartis drug Diovan, which treats high blood pressure, with another drug called Sacubitril. It’s the first in its class that reduces the strain on ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-08

Female sex drug nears US regulatory approval

...  panel of FDA advisers voted 18-6 Thursday that the benefit of Sprout Pharmaceuticals Inc.’s flibanserin outweighs the risk of fainting caused by the treatment. The advisers said flibanserin should on ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-05

Indian food inspectors file case against Nestle over noodles

... stration (FDA) as saying. The Uttar Pradesh FDA had ordered the recall of a 200,000-pack batch of noodles at the end of April, after a spot check which it said showed elevated levels of monosodium glu ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-01

New technologies open up fresh investment horizons

... dogs like FDA are yet to give full backing as aging is a natural phenomenon rather than a disease. Subsequent impact on insurance industry and elderly care services is now a topic of debate. Are share ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-05

Soda drinkers exposed to unnecessary cancer risk: study

... stration (FDA) to impose limits on the 4-MEI levels in beverages. "An FDA intervention, such as determining maximum levels for 4-MEI in beverages, could be a valuable approach to reducing excess cance ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-24

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