
共 2688 個結果
頁數:1...94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 ...135

WhatsApp to add payments in messaging app in India

... mazon and Uber are getting in on the action alongside local players. In September, Google launched Tez, a free mobile wallet in India that will let users link up their phones to their bank accounts to ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-06


... 常處於較有利位置(繼Uber和Airbnb以後,在Pinterest按下Buy鍵後,現在也可以使用PayPal ...全文


Uber rival Grab presses foray into digital payments

... rivalling Uber in Southeast Asia, Grab has more than 63 million app downloads, including four million in Singapore, and is available in 132 cities across Southeast Asia. The company told CNBC it expec ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-03

英人懶煮飯 Just Eat荷包㜺

... 雖然外賣手機應用程式Uber EATS業務急速發展,但大部分營運地區仍未有錢賺。另一送餐服務公司Deliver ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年11月03日

Fanny Law: Uber and Airbnb not good models of sharing economy

... ling firm Uber, which she said has not been able to become a truly fair business model as its drivers ply their trade in an unregulated way and present an unfair competition to licensed taxi drivers. ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-02

Uber-SoftBank deal in jeopardy over row with Kalanick: WSJ

A deal that would allow SoftBank Group Corp. to invest about US$10 billion in Uber Technologies Inc. faces the risk of being derailed after co-founder Travis Kalanick sought to change a proposal that ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-02


... erson),並改當Uber司機。Uber證實他在通過背景審查後,半年前起成為旗下司機,完成逾1400個車程, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年11月02日

Uber內部掀權鬥 軟銀注資恐泡湯

日本軟銀集團對召車公司Uber的100億美元注資計劃快將達成協議,但有可能因公司內部權力鬥爭不斷而泡湯。 創辦 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年11月02日

How will amending the law affect Airbnb operations in Hong Kong?

... s between Uber and Hong Kong’s taxi industry. This is apparently wrong because asset structure would affect economic behavior. The local taxi industry has its unique characteristics; it has problems s ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-31

How the startup ecosystem is set up to thrive

... ortation (Uber), in retail (Alibaba), and in media (Buzzfeed). These are just a few of the successful startups that have become household brands not only in our immediate region, but also globally. Bu ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-30


無論到哪個地方經營都可能遇上法律麻煩的召車程式公司Uber,上周五委任曾擔當百事可樂法律總顧問的前司法部官員韋 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2017年10月30日

Too much of a good thing?

... . Just as Uber and BlaBlaCar have sparked a war with Spanish taxi drivers, hoteliers blame the sharing economy—i.e. the surge in private apartment rentals—for the hordes of travelers flooding many tou ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-27

Uber司機被控 12月中再提訊

今年4月至5月遭警方「放蛇」拘捕的21名Uber司機,其後各被控以一項非法載客取酬罪,案件周四(26日)於九龍 ...全文


短租存在多年 度假屋受歡迎 修例難取締Airbnb

... 持牌旅館合作,又倡導Uber跟的士業合作,這無疑是錯的,因為資產結構會影響經濟行為。的士業有自身的特性,令拒載 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年10月27日

Uber now offers a credit card

Uber has transformed the way you get around. Now it is getting into the credit card business. The ride-sharing company announced it has partnered with Barclays Bank on a new Visa card, which will be a ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-26


... 會急於上市,情況就如Uber一樣,而維持非上市公司的地位,在面對法律問題上有更大的彈性。Uber一直在美國以外 ...全文


Airbnb’s China head exits after just four months

... in China. Uber Technologies Inc., after losing the battle with local competitor Didi Chuxing for market share, finally agreed to sell its China business to Didi last year. – Contact us at english@hkej ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-25

What HK can learn from the bidding war for Amazon headquarters

... g Amazon, Uber and Tesla, have yet to decide upon the location of their Asia Pacific headquarters. If Hong Kong wants to win them over, the bidding war for Amazon will certainly offer some useful tips ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-23

HK should embrace opportunities thrown up by sharing economy

InvestHK, the government vehicle designed to attract foreign investment, introduced car-hailing app Uber into Hong Kong in 2014. But Uber’s expansion in the city has been stalled after police raids on ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-23

Uber股東感不滿 軟銀入股恐告吹

《金融時報》引述知情人士報道,日本軟銀(SoftBank)一項要求令Uber主要股東不滿,可能導致軟銀入股Ub ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年10月23日

頁數:1...94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 ...135

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