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住宅半數屬分層 空置率不足2%

... 。 區內Burns Bay Road 300A號的樓房,最近有一個兩房分層單位放租,面積93方米(約1001方 ...全文



... 商Hudson’s Bay母公司HBC,是其中一個潛在買家。有媒體上周報道,美國私募基金Sycamore提出涉 ...全文


Four recommendations for the budget on IT development

... d Greater Bay Area Investment Fund that focuses on investment opportunities in the Greater Bay Area. What sectors would it focus on? Does the investment portfolio create any synergy? I suggest the aut ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-21

Allan Zeman talks about why he’ll never give up on Hong Kong

... e greater bay area [Zhaoqing, Foshan, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Huizhou, Jiangmen, Zhongshan, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Macau and Zhuhai] have an estimated population of 84 million people and, last year, had a ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-16


... 蠔灣(OYSTER BAY)」,第一期第一階段約1500個單位,可望較原預期提早約一年推出招標;至於周一(14 ...全文


港鐵未來一年推四項目招標 涉逾5100伙

... 蠔灣(OYSTER BAY)」,分4個期數發展,每期數再分為多個階段,其中第一期第一階段提供約1500伙,預計 ...全文


A decade lost:How can HK reach its REIT potential?

... e Greater Bay Area (GBA), utilising REITs to better resource allocation efficiency and support industrial upgrade within the real estate domain. 2. Diversify product offerings – Given ongoing COVID di ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-15


... 現時花旗銀行One Bay East分行、太古城分行及又一城分行暫停營業,直至另行通知。 該行已在分行實施一系 ...全文



... 要你漏一小匙Old Bay Seasoning,已不是那回事,蟹餅只具形而欠神。可以說,這款美國人常備的調味料 ...全文


Spare a thought

... , Penny’s Bay from the city proper. Spare a thought for the caged-home tenant who has forced herself to go homeless – to sleep rough on the streets of Hong Kong, in order to avoid passing the bug onto ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-25

Paving the way for the new digital economy through CBDC

... e Greater Bay Area (GBA) The development of CBDC is conducive to fostering capital flow in the GBA, further enhancing the connection and connectivity between the two financial markets. Mutual market a ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-18


澳洲悉尼一名35歲男子周三下午在小灣(Litte Bay)海灘游泳期間,被一條估計最少3米長的大白鯊咬死,是當 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年02月18日

Crisis management requires good use of innovative technology

The Omicron outbreak is very severe. In early January, many people listed as close contacts were sent to Penny's Bay for quarantine. The blunders and hiccups of the quarantine camp have left many resi ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-14

Proper execution mechanism should follow gov’t structural reform

... s, Marina Bay at the town centre is an integrated community serving commercial, residential and recreational purposes. Being Singapore’s national land use planning and conservation authority, not only ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-07

The nightmare of being the close contact person

... o Penny’s Bay. He recovered a few days later but his family members were still in the quarantine centre. We also learned that a person who lined up for hours in the community test centre after a meal ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-26

Sun Seeker

... r、Stellar Bay,以及東岸Barstool,各有不同的鮮度和口感。而牛扒,是頂級來自艾伯塔省(Alb ...全文


On"Dismantling Global White Privilege"-Chandran Nair

...  Causeway Bay and Mong Kok. We may not look white, but ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年01月21日


... d Seasons Bay一期,82.35億元及1136宗。 去年主要發展商旗下一手樓宇銷售登記,新地304. ...全文


On “Dismantling Global White Privilege”-Chandran Nair

...  Causeway Bay and Mong Kok. We may not look white, but the sentiments of white worship and fetish reverberate and have taken root amongst us, he argues swiftly in his book – drawing upon first-hand an ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-20

Who will be the next CE?

... o Penny’s Bay quarantine centre after the infamous birthday party early this year. CY Leung is no better. Despite his efforts in social media, most people would simply want to forget the bad old days ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-19

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