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兩年多來,2019年冠狀病毒疾病(COVID-19)大流行一直影響着我們的社交、財務和其他日常活動。截至今年1 ...全文

今日信報時事評論蘇家培 朱文英 羅鳳儀2022年01月26日

COVID-19 mess: We need an exit strategy

We need an exit strategy. Several key propositions undergirding this statement – and, indeed, largely informed by recent events. The first, is the hyper-contagiousness of the Omicron (both B.1 and B.2 ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-25

Employment prospects in 2030

According to the results of separate surveys by the Baptist University, human resources organization ECA International, and employment service firm JobsDB HK, the salary of Hong Kong employees is expe ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-24

Domino's調度得宜 疫境中化危為機

新冠疫情下驅使外賣需求大增也許是單次事件,但在家工作卻大機會成為常態(就算是辦公室—家居混合上班模式,也會有外 ...全文



世間萬事萬物,皆有相遇的可能,道是有緣,緣深緣淺,無處不在。有緣者,相視一笑,已有感應。無緣者,相聚卻如同陌路 ...全文


How Facebook became the opium of the masses

In the war on disinformation, the enemy can be hard to determine. Journalists, politicians, governments, and even grandparents have been accused of enabling the spread of online falsehoods. While none ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-21

三葉草生物-B(02197) 其他-業務發展最新情況

三葉草生物-B(02197) 自願公告 - 於《柳葉刀》刊發研究顯示SCB-2019(CpG 1018加鋁佐劑 ...全文



新冠疫情大流行至今,世界面對新冠病毒株Omicron的衝擊,各國都爭分奪秒思索應該如何走出經濟發展步伐放慢、人 ...全文


聯泰控股(00311) 盈利警告 / 內幕消息

聯泰控股(00311) 盈利預告及有關COVID-19疫苗接種率的最新情況(329KB, pdf) ...全文


【輪證贏家】恒指彈高 「人道」對Put

噚日我諗最震驚港人嘅新聞,都莫過於要撲殺2000隻倉鼠及細小動物(包括龍貓同兔仔),2000條生命就咁樣因為幾 ...全文


A pro-family agenda for America starts in California

As of early 2022, the fate of US President Joe Biden’s ambitious plan for delivering an equitable and sustainable economic recovery is uncertain. Failure to pass the $1.75 trillion Build Back Better ( ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-19

A bad year for US equity market?

Last month, I identified what I saw as the big issues of 2022, noting that I could not recall a time when there were so many sources of uncertainty, both known and unknown. The main issue was inflatio ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-17

Searching for possible solutions to food crisis

The world’s population exceeded 7.9 billion by the end of last year, and is expected to reach 10 billion by 2050, according to the United Nations (UN). Some experts previously pointed out that the glo ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-17

E-commerce forges B2B2C alliance with on-demand delivery partner

COVID-19 has fueled a surge in online shopping, attested by government data that show a sharp growth in retail sales in Hong Kong for the ninth straight month in October, reflecting the remarkable res ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-17


全球踏入疫情第三年,雖然有疫苗輔助,但是變種病毒Omicron來勢洶洶,世界各地有的選擇封城,有的選擇與病毒共 ...全文


What Biden should do on trade

Former US President Donald Trump’s isolationist and protectionist “America First” policies seriously damaged America and its global leadership role. Raising tariffs on imports to the United States – i ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-14

Whatever happened to soft power?

As 2021 drew to a close, Russia had massed troops near its border with Ukraine; China had flown military jets near Taiwan; North Korea was still pursuing its nuclear-weapons program; and Taliban fight ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-14

Argentina’s COVID miracle

Although COVID-19 has been hard on everyone, it has not been an “equal opportunity” disease. The virus poses a greater threat to those who are already in poor health, many of whom are concentrated in ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-12

Anti-Asian hate crimes are real

Yao Pan Ma died of his injuries on December 31. The 61- ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年01月12日

Anti-Asian hate crimes are real

Yao Pan Ma died of his injuries on December 31. The 61-year-old man was brutally assaulted in Harlem last year. He was kicked to the ground and left debilitated by Jarrod Powell. This was a hate crime ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-11

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