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新冠病毒COVID-19的出現和肆虐,至今已近兩年。這是全世界的災劫,地球上每一個人都大大地受到它的影響。 現 ...全文



COVID-19肆虐全球已經超過年半,目前約有1.8億人受感染,接近400萬人死亡,現時部分先進國家的疫苗接種 ...全文


Making films with your smartphone

Most people have this idea that making films is an expensive proposition, especially when they hear that Hollywood blockbuster film budgets can sometimes top US$100M. But in the last few years, filmma ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-28

How to feed ourselves

Humanity is drifting into increasing danger. Climate change is accelerating; biodiversity is plummeting; hunger and extreme poverty are rising; and the gap between rich and poor is widening. These tre ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-25

The G7 vaccine charade

In a recent essay on Samantha Power, President Joe Biden’s new administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, Michelle Goldberg of The New York Times writes – correctly – tha ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-25

The Chinese economy’s great wall

As we move through 2021, there are more signs of a return to pre-pandemic normalcy, at least in countries not reeling from dangerous new variants of the coronavirus. High-frequency economic indicators ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-25

Life in 2022: How a global pandemic changed payments

It’s January 2022. Countries around the world are teeming with life again. Roads and trains are packed with employees commuting to work. High street retailers are seeing foot traffic, and restaurants ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-24

Vaccine hesitancy or systemic racism?

When the United States began to roll out COVID-19 vaccines earlier this year, uptake in black communities lagged behind their white counterparts. Many assumed this was by choice: the history of medica ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-23


在防控治療「新冠肺炎」COVID-19方面,至今西醫還沒有特效藥。這是一般人都知道的。那麼,中藥又怎樣?中醫有 ...全文


What’s the next play for IT professionals in finance sector?

Although the banking, financial services, and insurance (BFSI) industry can be seen as one of the most change-adverse industries, the sector has adapted surprisingly well to the pandemic. Since last y ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-22

Deciding humanity’s future

At the recent G7 summit in Cornwall, Sir David Attenborough described the decisions currently facing the world’s richest countries as “the most important in human history.” He is right. The summit was ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-22


在去年8月16日,廣東藥科大學主辦了一個「中俄合作新冠疫情防控學術交流會議」,在該校園國際會議中心的主會場舉行 ...全文


How human nature can combat climate change

Both the COVID-19 pandemic and global warming are about survival, and are health crises at their core. But typology is not their only common feature. We can also overcome them in a similar way – by wo ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-18

We don’t need the G7

The latest G7 summit was a waste of resources. If it had to be held at all, it should have been conducted online, saving time, logistical costs, and airplane emissions. But, more fundamentally, G7 sum ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-17

The miserably rich Hong Kong people

In Hong Kong, money can’t always buy happiness. That was the latest observation by the city’s top fund manager Cheah Cheng Hye, who attempted to explain the irony of why one of the world’s richest cit ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-16

Digitalization: The path to resiliency for asset managers

The COVID-19 pandemic has been the ultimate test of resilience for capital market firms – not least in the volatility it has brought to the financial industry. Asset managers have certainly faced thei ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-16


有人探訪朋友,看見主人家廚房火爐上的煙囪筆直向上,旁邊堆放了一些柴枝。他馬上想到,這樣子的擺設十分危險,很容易 ...全文


開拓藥業-B(09939) 其他-雜項

開拓藥業-B(09939) 自願公告 由KINTOR發起的普克魯胺治療COVID-19男性患者的註冊性研究獲巴 ...全文


APAC pensions industry and recent trends in Japan

Pension assets across the largest pensions’ markets increased 11% in 2020, according to the Global Pensions Assets Study 2021 by Willis Towers Watson. Asia Pacific pension funds beat their peers in as ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-15


坊間流傳一個看法,認為「提升」了免疫力便會「更」健康。其實是誤解了。我們不需要刻意提升免疫力。一旦有「非我」物 ...全文


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