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孟子曾答鄒穆公:「凶年饑歲,君之民老弱轉乎溝壑,壯者散而之對四方者……」(《孟子.梁惠王下》)。環顧中外古今, ...全文



董濤教授(Professor Tao Dong)在牛津大學醫學院教授免疫學,疫情期間從她專長的HIV病毒研究, ...全文



在唐朝傳奇小說《柳毅傳》中,洞庭湖龍宮中的三公主出嫁到涇水,被夫婿龍王十太子百般虐待。柳毅遇上她,見到她被迫在 ...全文


The Unthinkable

凡事從長遠的歷史角度來看,結果可以相反。若從100年的角度來看,美國是守成大國,中國是崛起大國,但若從千年的角 ...全文


Will China save the US from inflation fears?

The fiscal expansion in the United States in response to the COVID-19 pandemic is like nothing seen outside of wartime. Further large-scale public spending will be needed to rebuild needed infrastruct ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-11

What is the point of the Olympics?

Kaori Yamaguchi, an Olympic medalist in judo and an executive member of the Japanese Olympic Committee, made an astonishing statement – astonishing, that is, for an Olympic official. She said that Jap ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-11

The virus next time

As more developed countries begin to feel as though they have made it to the other side of the COVID-19 crisis, two striking realities are coming into view. First, one can clearly see just how vulnera ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-11


我自從在美國工作的藥廠中退休,回到香港,再也不須在實驗室中工作,也就失卻每每可以從之而得到的成功感,故不免萌生 ...全文


The return of the finance threat?

After the 2008 global financial crisis, governments and central banks in advanced economies vowed that they would never again let the banking system hold policy hostage, let alone threaten economic an ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-10

The investment imperative for the G7

At the upcoming G7 summit in Cornwall, the major economies’ leaders have a critical opportunity to agree on a plan that not only drives a strong recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic for their own count ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-10

The inflation red herring

Slight increases in the rate of inflation in the United States and Europe have triggered financial-market anxieties. Has US President Joe Biden’s administration risked overheating the economy with its ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-09

Trusted marketplaces key to meeting the climate challenge

As countries around the world attempt to turn the corner on the COVID-19 crisis, the climate challenge looms ever larger as our next global reckoning. With the priority of economic repair and recovery ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-04


欄友曾國平昨在〈疫情會否改變迫車返工的常態?〉提到一個有趣的觀察:「在疫情初期,美國樓市就明顯出現了『城鄉差距 ...全文


社經彈力 疫苗為重

2021年5月25日,彭博社(Bloomberg)根據他們創造的「新冠彈力性排行榜」(Covid Resili ...全文


Investing in data saves lives

When the COVID-19 pandemic began in March 2020, Afghanistan had only 300 ventilators and two intensive-care units. Early epidemiological models predicted that the country, with a population of about 3 ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-03

Why China will be the world’s largest oil refiner in 2021

Economic growth returned to China in late 2020, and with it came capacity expansion for oil refineries Four Chinese refinery projects in development could make up more than the entire capacity of the ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-02

COVID-19 vaccines and the US national interest

A century ago, an influenza pandemic killed more people than died in World War I. Today, the COVID-19 pandemic has killed more Americans than died in all US wars since 1945. A big difference, however, ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-02

From California capitalism to Bidenomics

US President Joe Biden’s first months in office have been impressive. The number of COVID-19 vaccines that have been administered is more than twice what he promised, and the spread of the coronavirus ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-01

Asia's oil buying spree

U.S. crude oil exports to Asia reached a record in 2020, and increased crude demand in the region is expected to continue. One of the effects of China’s early economic recovery from COVID was a rise i ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-01


現在全世界的注意力都集中於怎樣改善針對COVID-19病毒的疫苗,很少人提及研發醫治新冠病毒的特效藥(如特敏福 ...全文


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