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... 繁重,就算犧牲午餐或happy hour,都會盡量騰出運動時間。環顧交易室的同事,一到午餐或放工時間,都會拿着 ...全文


Decoding 'get in front, not behind'

... ssful and happy Rugby 7 tournament over the weekend. The show has not just stopped there. With a rebooting of Hong Kong, it makes much sense for the Office for Safeguarding National Security of the Ce ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-09

If music be the food of love?

... trainedly happy smiles as the band struck up their favourite numbers. Whoops of expectant joy met band leader Colin Aitchison’s opening lines of “What a Wonderful World” and the entire audience sang o ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-07


... Worry, Be Happy)。曹操名句「對酒當歌,人生幾何!譬如朝露,去日苦多……何以解憂?唯有杜康(酒) ...全文


Further suggestions on Policy Address: Smart economy development

... eway Bay, Happy Valley, and Admiralty/Wan Chai was proposed. One of the main obstacles is that 3D maps and models of the underground environment have not been widely produced and applied in the territ ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-17

Unhappy October

... . And the happy faces resurfaced at the Hong Kong International Airport yesterday as people started travelling to Japan, the second home of many Hong Kong people, as travel restrictions have been lift ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-12

Who should coordinate Ukraine’s reconstruction?

... ld not be happy with this arrangement. They would be unwilling to pour their funds into a pot controlled by a body not accountable to them. Yet having donors go their own separate ways runs the risk o ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-12

戰爭與和平 兩條路線對決

... 改為喜歡開揚、健康和happy ending,反之,獵奇黑暗如《神探大戰》和《失衡凶間》不獲青睞。我無意深究緣 ...全文



... 直接說,《明日戰記》happy ending得反常,欠餘韻。同理,《阿媽有咗第二個》的人設近乎完美,三母子又叻 ...全文


Pound foolishness

After earning my PhD in 1982, I spent the first 20 years of my professional career immersed in the tumultuous world of foreign-exchange markets. Today, current events are bringing back both happy and ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-30

The long shadow of Black Wednesday

... this as a happy consequence, given their painful recent experience with imported monetary policy. But this meant that Britain would continue to have one foot in Europe and one foot out. It reinforced ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-15

Why can’t we all be rich?

... wess into happy, healthy, safe, and secure lives for all. These problems would be solved even faster, right? In fact, the problems of slicing and tasting the rapidly growing economic pie have consiste ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-01

Bond market: Rising like a phoenix from the ashes?

... fore that happy ending can occur, we must first get past the end of the Russian gas saga and the bulk of the DM central bank rate hikes. The best approach for the interim will be to focus on micro alp ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-30


... 世界,這一帶就命名為Happy Valley,中文譯作快活谷,也就是後來建了馬場之後的跑馬地。當時,黃泥涌谷一 ...全文


The V Group港島豪宅短期推出
陳韻雲冀集團轉型 強化物業發展

... 馬地成和道68號V Happy Valley,2014年起拆售,至今仍保留一半單位收租。賣樓套現的資金會繼續投 ...全文


澳博也缺水 濠賭變焗賭

... 幾倍上升水位。但這個happy ending充滿不確定性,小股東「供」與「不供」都面對頗大風險,卻不得不作出抉 ...全文



5小時一晃眼便過去,戲院裏的觀眾似還有點意猶未盡,很難想像吧!濱口龍介憑此片《歡樂時光》(Happy Hour ...全文



... perfectly happy也。 唔使問阿貴,此輩身家當真翻上兩番,快樂指數馬上便會回落,要再度爆錶,恐怕又 ...全文


The dollar rules

... y will be happy with that decision in a couple of years. But I would advise them not to follow the currency’s minute-by-minute trading performance in the days after they make their move. Down that roa ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-13

牛市Keep住買無難度 熊市驗證平均成本法

... 市Keep住買,人人Happy。在鐘擺的另一端,熊市不幸殺到,以整個周期而論,平均成本法又是否經得起風浪、打工 ...全文


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