
共 141 個結果
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Great power competition today

The recent BRICS summit in South Africa marks the start of a new phase of Great Power competition. At the apparent urging of China, the BRICS group (which also includes Brazil, Russia, India, and Sout ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-07

Why are Russian oil products still being sold in America?

The United States has done a great deal to help Ukraine fend off Russia’s full-scale invasion and terrorist tactics since February 2022, including through generous financial and military assistance. I ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-10

Standing up to AI surveillance

Fiction writers have long imagined scenarios in which every human action is monitored by some malign centralized authority. But now, despite their warnings, we find ourselves careening toward a dystop ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-14


美國歷史上第二大——也是自2008年以來最大——銀行倒閉事件,使人們對整個美國金融體系的穩定性產生了懷疑。雖然 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2023年04月10日

Are Russian oil prices being rigged?

In 2012, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission grabbed international attention by investigating the manipulation of LIBOR, Euribor, and other interest-rate benchmarks. By 2015, the CFTC had fined s ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-03

Only the US Congress can stop Ukraine from winning

Helping Ukraine win its war against Russia is essential for European and global security. The good news is that the United States and its allies have recently taken two major strategic steps in the ri ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-03

The next stage of the Hot Cold War

After a year of big surprises, led by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the global spike in inflation rates, and the collapse of cryptocurrency ventures, what kind of year will 2023 prove to be? This kind ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-05

Russia’s financial crisis must come sooner

A diplomatic standoff between European countries over the price cap to set for Russia’s oil exports threatens to hobble efforts to limit the Kremlin’s resources to wage its war of aggression against U ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-01

The regulator US financial markets need

When Gary Gensler became chair of the US Securities and Exchange Commission in April 2021, he started to tighten regulation on some parts of the financial sector. Eighteen months later, the industry’s ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-02

America comes roaring back

An air of pessimism about the future of the American economy pervades some official circles in the United States and elsewhere. It’s time to dispel it. The pessimists worry that a series of supply sho ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-01

Russia’s looming defeat in Ukraine

It is easy to see who is losing the most from the Russian invasion of Ukraine: Ukrainian civilians, victims of war crimes and missile terror, and the millions around the world for whom food is now mor ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-04


隨着美國聯儲局在6月底的會議上把聯邦基金利率上調0.75厘,到1.5厘至1.75厘,並可能在7月和9月再次大幅 ...全文


Why target Russian oil revenue?

Four months into the invasion of Ukraine, the Russian army continues to grind its way relentlessly through the Donbas region. Some Western commentators are calling for more weapons to be supplied fast ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-06

Europe is its own enemy in Ukraine

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recently accused the West of fighting a proxy war in Ukraine. This is inaccurate and misleading. In fact, the West is supporting both sides of this conflict – an ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-04

Russia is finished as a major energy power

Russia looms large in world energy markets. It supplies 40% of the gas consumed in the European Union, and this is a particularly important economic issue for Germany, Italy, and Austria. But Russia’s ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-01

Stop financing Putin’s war

On February 24, the first day of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the West paid Russia about $500 million. That’s the average daily value of purchases of Russian energy by the European Union, the U ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-03

【30天免費閱讀】疫下貨幣角色 央行迎擊完美風暴

新冠疫情重創全球經濟,令非常規貨幣政策成為常態,而非偶一為之的措施。事實上,新冠疫情只是推動金融體系轉型催化劑 ...全文

今日信報理財投資CFA投資視野Olivier Fines2022年01月05日


美國總統拜登當前正面臨一個關鍵的決定:把聯儲局主席這個全球經濟中堪稱最有權勢的職位交到誰手中。 錯誤的選擇可能 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2021年11月19日


美國總統拜登當前正面臨着一個關鍵的決定:把聯儲局主席這個全球經濟中堪稱最有權勢的職位交到誰手裏。 錯誤的選擇可 ...全文

今日信報時事評論Joseph E. Stiglitz2021年11月16日


美國正在開展——或者更準確地說,正在開始重新開展——一場關於現代美國經濟貨幣政策的適當目標和觸發因素的大討論。 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2021年10月18日

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