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筆者兩周前曾在本欄勉勵過「中風」病友及家屬,縱然不幸中招,也非世界末日。只要把握時間及早進行復康治療,加上現今 ...全文



新加坡稅務局將數位貨幣根據定義分成三大類:支付型代幣、功能型代幣、證券型代幣,並賦予稅務優惠。 個別定義如下: ...全文



兩周前,「賽馬會流金匯」陳護士曾在此欄跟大家分享預防中風的方法。但畢竟中風是香港第四大殺手,不少人還是防不勝防 ...全文


Why investors should not touch airline shares

Is the Dragon going the way of the Dodo? According to local media reports, Cathay Pacific Airways is planning to end the operation of Cathay Dragon and merge it with low-cost carrier Hong Kong Express ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-13

數碼人幣起動 港勿缺席
全球爭拓CBDC 內地率先試行

中國人民銀行研究推出數碼人民幣DC/EP(Digital Currency/Electronic Paymen ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年05月08日

The pandemic helps promote development of telemedicine in HK

Telemedicine has long been regarded as one of the strategic solutions for tackling ageing population and reducing medical burden. It has been widely used in the covid-19 outbreak. It is widely believe ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-07

Liberating the potential of hybrid multicloud in public sector

With remote working becoming the new normal for many companies, it’s increasingly challenging for the management and IT teams to ensure stable, secure and reliable network performance. Hybrid cloud is ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-07


微軟(Microsoft)計劃在今年底的消費檔期,推出新一代遊戲主機Xbox Series X,早前已披露其硬 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年05月07日

How COVID-19 crisis creates powerful catalysts for change

Markets have experienced a powerful bounce in April, with US and global growth stocks leading the way, while “value” sectors have been more mixed. Oil-and travel-related equities continue to suffer. F ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-05


眾所周知,中風即是腦血管意外,後遺症或多或少影響病人活動、理解、說話及吞嚥等能力,並引起日常生活及自我照顧的問 ...全文


AI emerged as a key contributor in the fight against coronavirus

Big data and Artificial intelligence are transforming the way we live and work and has recently emerged as a key contributor in the fight against Coronavirus. All eyes have been on China; from monitor ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-21


銀行服務趨向數碼化,加上疫情限制社交距離,滙豐香港區財富管理及個人銀行業務數碼服務訊息及內容高級經理陳淑凝表示 ...全文



銀行服務推向數碼化,加上疫情限制社交距離,滙豐香港區財富管理及個人銀行業務數碼服務訊息及內容高級經理陳淑凝表示 ...全文


Coronavirus vs Australia housing market

In Australia, whenever something resembling a crisis comes along, the housing doomsayers will come scurrying out of their dens with proclamations of “Repent! The end is near!”. And for the longest tim ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-15


To mask or not to mask? That is the question. Covid-19 has woken the rest of the world to a practice with which the people of Hong Kong are very familiar. The SARS epidemic brought home the utility of ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-14

Embracing VR and esports in the age of remote learning: Lenovo

In response to the novel coronavirus outbreak, Hong Kong's Education Bureau announced mandatory closure of all campuses across the city since February. However, discontent has been brewing among stake ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-07

Hydroponics a promising technology to boost food supply

The way forward to stabilize food supply I grew up in Yuen Long where jasmine rice and farming were famous half a century ago but have eventually faded out. However, the recent epidemic has driven me ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-06


筆者過去在國內出差,曾經有一次「貪得意」,用App買了一杯瑞幸咖啡。本欄不是飲食專欄,筆者也不是咖啡專家,所以 ...全文


How to design a lockdown

As governments introduce social-distancing rules of varying strictness to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, the question of how long these measures should remain in place will likely spark vigorous debate ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-03

Using technology to secure food supply

Almost all of Hong Kong’s foods are imported. More than half of rice is from Thailand, while Vietnam supplies 25%. As for pork, since the outbreak of African Swine Fever last year, Hong Kong has reduc ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-01

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