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開市焦點:兩萬五續拉鋸 留意汽車股

雖然美國7月私企新增職位遠差預期,但有疫苗廠商諾瓦瓦克斯(Novavax)公布好消息,美企上季業績比市場預期好 ...全文



近半年茶餘飯後,除了關注疫情,很多時都會扯到股票領域,特別是科技股。近幾年最具代表性的科技股離不開「FAANG ...全文


Geographic information is both valuable and marketable

When we grade the major events in the map industry within the first half of the year, Facebook’s acquisition of a startup Mapillary is definitely one of them. What is Mapillary? Many drivers have such ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-21

Mental health issue becomes alarming amid pandemic

The COVID-19 epidemic has been troubling the whole world for more than half a year with over 12 million cases of infection worldwide, a death toll of more than half a million. The pandemic situation h ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-17

Green Monday人造肉港銷售翻倍
需求增長疫境加速 基金興趣濃

新冠肺炎疫情全球大流行, 多國實施停工、封城等控疫措施,觸發傳統食品供應斷鏈的危機,種種因素意外帶動全球對人造 ...全文



萬通保險國際有限公司宣布推出「智能投保及服務」推廣活動,由即日起至9月30日,凡使用萬通保險SMART投保電子 ...全文



在《港區國安法》出台後,美國揚言會對香港及中國實施制裁。繼美國政府根據《香港政策法》禁止向香港出口與軍事有關的 ...全文


Understanding the pandemic stock market

The performance of stock markets, especially in the United States, during the coronavirus pandemic seems to defy logic. With cratering demand dragging down investment and employment, what could possib ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-08


德國豪華車生產商戴姆勒(Daimler)披露,尋求出售法國Hambach工廠,作為應對產能過剩計劃一部分。法國 ...全文


SHOPLINE eyes aggressive expansion in Southeast Asia

Startups around the world were seriously hit by the coronavirus pandemic and the following economic downturn, with business and funding declining. But a Hong Kong-based startup which helps merchants t ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-03


雖然環境、社會和管治(ESG)投資是個具爭議性的話題,但總括來說,所有投資者都可以有3個共識。 ESG風險或重 ...全文


蘋果iOS 14登場 革新介面
Mac棄用英特爾 採自家處理器

蘋果公司昨首次以串流直播形式,在網上舉行全球開發商大會(WWDC),除了介紹新一代iOS 14作業系統詳情,更 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年06月24日

Using science & technology index to monitor govt administration

Recently, Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang pointed out that the mainland should accelerate the development of high-tech-focused “new infrastructure initiative”, such as 5G networks, big data and arti ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-18

Firm priorities for fragile states

No country has been spared the impact of COVID-19. But some – the world’s most “fragile states” – face a particularly difficult set of challenges. Before the pandemic arrived, Yemen, Sudan, Haiti, Sie ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-17

Get ready for the typhoon season

It is undeniable that we are deeply affected by global warming. According to the World Meteorological Organization, 2019 was the second warmest year on record, with the five years from 2015 to 2019 be ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-12


上文說港股「因禍得福」,並且指出:「坊間對港股過於悲觀,自上周五開始我認爲港股出現見底跡象,周末消息過後局勢明 ...全文


Hong Kong brain drain 2020

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…” Lady Liberty now seems to be speaking directly to Hongkongers after the United States said it is considering welcoming im ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-03

iOS 13.5適用 最高儲值3000元

八達通卡有限公司昨天宣布,八達通正式登陸蘋果公司Apple Pay,即日起可在iPhone智能手機及Apple ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年06月03日

Samsung Pay豁免信用卡增值八達通服務費

三星電子香港宣布,用戶現於Samsung Pay應用程式以Mastercard或Visa卡增值Smart Oc ...全文


港初創VR睇場服務 助谷會展業

婚禮資訊網上平台公司Bespoke Insight去年8月推出VR睇場服務,創辦人兼董事總經理梁樂群表示,推出 ...全文


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