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時尚外觀 氣派會所 書香滿溢

華懋集團旗下持有達40年的西半山旭龢道豪宅大學閣,一直用作長線收租,發展商其後重建為新一代高端豪宅,於去年落成 ...全文


Korea group tour for masks, anyone?

The travel industry might be down in the dumps due to the coronavirus epidemic, but that doesn't mean the sector has given up looking for new customers. The crisis, in fact, appears to be paving way f ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-14

What Carrie Lam can learn from two naughty boys

Ricky Wong Wai-kay did it. Joshua Wong Chi-fung did it. But not the Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor administration. We are talking about procurement of masks, the hot commodity everyone wants to get a piec ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-12

冀供長者中心試用 助改良設計

樂齡市場近年冒起,針對浴室的智能產品,坊間卻選擇甚少。理工大學設計系畢業的鄧曉瑩,因爺爺患上柏金遜症,決心設計 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年02月07日

Lam finds way to tackle shortage of face masks: don't wear them

We normally obey orders from our superiors because we assume they know better, that they have a wider perspective of any given situation, compared to the limited view that we have from our position. B ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-05

全球板腦年售1.4億部 蘋果最旺

市場調查機構IDC公布,2019年全球平板機出貨量,按年微跌1.5%,至1.44億部。當中以蘋果公司出品最受歡 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年02月04日

What is DeFi?

As blockchain has continued to evolve over the last few years, we’ve seen a progression of key trends. Having shifted focus from different forms of digital currency to exchanges, and initial coin offe ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-03

健康快餐 縮窄貧富飲食差異

在百物騰貴的香港,美式快餐往往是窮人無可奈何的選擇。遠在美國洛杉磯,與荷里活、比華利山並存的低收入社區亦面對同 ...全文


Genesis G90 韓風新星 歐陸豪氣

提到亞洲汽車品牌,不少人推崇日本出品;但筆者覺得,近年南韓品牌大幅進步,有時看韓劇,主角駕乘的私家車,由外形到 ...全文


外圍風高浪急 保供穩價主調

美軍駐伊拉克空軍基地遭伊朗發射導彈襲擊報復,令金價、油價一度急飆,亦拖累亞洲主要股票市場大跌。曾因錄得北上資金 ...全文


Huawei starts selling its chips to others

Huawei Technologies faced a tough time last year due to a US trade ban but managed to still grow its revenue thanks to stronger smartphone sales in its home market. With 2020 likely to be no less chal ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-08

Toyota to build prototype city of the future in Japan

Toyota Motor announced plans to build a prototype "city of the future" at the base of Japan’s Mt. Fuji, powered by hydrogen fuel cells and functioning as a laboratory for autonomous cars, “smart homes ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-07


近年來,ESG主題投資成為國際資本市場的熱門話題。ESG即Environmental、Social and G ...全文


Hong Kong joins smart airport trend

The Hong Kong International Airport is one of the busiest in the world. It ranked first in cargo volume and eighth in passenger traffic in a recent report of the Airports Council International. In ter ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-06

What to expect from the tech sector in 2020

Ushering in 2020, it's time to make some predictions as to what lies in store for us from the all-important technology sector in the year ahead. One big underlying theme, most analysts agree, will be ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-03

Would Superman bail out Hong Kong people?

April Fools' Day came three months early this year.  Rumors that Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing was unveiling another relief fund – this time covering not just small retailers but all adult residen ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-03

Xiaomi to invest US$7 billion in 5G and AI over next five years

Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi Corp. will invest more than 50 billion yuan (US$7.18 billion) in artificial intelligence and fifth-generation internet technologies over the next five years, Reuters re ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-02

Sponge Cities - Smart cities for the future

Companies tackling climate-change solutions for urban areas can deliver environmental benefits and higher shareholder returns Until recently, Wuhan was one of many Chinese cities where a rapidly expan ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-02


近期筆者被不少長者問到:「肌肉流失了可以怎樣補救?」 首先,大家可以想像孩子在沙灘堆砌城堡的情景。他們會用海水 ...全文


Huawei flags 18% revenue growth for 2019, sees tough 2020

Chinese telecoms equipment giant Huawei Technologies expects its 2019 revenue to come in at around 850 billion yuan (US$121.7 billion), up 18 percent over the previous year but lower than the firm's e ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-31

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