... 位美國大學教授合撰的Beyond the Status Quo: A Critical Assessment ...全文
... e extends beyond the desire to not be interfered with by strangers. Indeed, many are happy to trade off a modicum of freedom from interference, in order to receive the resources, networks, and knowled ...More
EJ Insight2024-09-30
... e to look beyond my instinctive intuition. Indeed, I was drawn to the possibility that I might – indeed – be outdone by an AI. And hence I opted for the easiest solution and the best means of uncoveri ...More
EJ Insight2024-09-03
... 長,集團將推行名為「Beyond Boundaries(超越界限)」的五年策略,具體措施包括引入速效措施、重獲 ...全文
人造肉製造商Beyond Meat公布,截至6月底止第二季,錄得淨虧損3450萬元(美元‧下同),虧損額按年減 ...全文
... 。例如素肉熱潮減退,Beyond Meat股票比幾年前高位跌了九成半以上。但現時買今年底到期的沽輪,輪價是股價 ...全文
... 。例如素肉熱潮減退,Beyond Meat股票比幾年前高位跌了九成半以上。但現時買今年底到期的認沽輪,輪價是股 ...全文
... 及鈉含量亦值得關注。Beyond Meat 漢堡扒每100克就含有5.6克飽和脂肪及370毫克鈉,分別佔成人每 ...全文
松岡亮於《Sky beyond words.》展覽現場。(圖片由藝術家及WKM Gallery提供,攝影:Felix S.C. Wong) 來到7月,炎炎夏日也為城市的色彩添上更豐富的色彩。未知是否這個原因,不少畫廊都趁着這個充滿夏日色彩的季節,帶來讓人想起暑假的快樂時光的展覽。介紹的是由WKM Gallery帶來的日本的跨媒介藝術家松岡亮(Ryo Matsuoka)的《Sky beyond wo ...More
EJ Insight2024-07-30
... uld think beyond the hardware and facilities questions when it comes to tourism and recreation. This is not to say the quality and quantity of venues, attractions, and scenic spots do not matter. Yet ...More
EJ Insight2024-07-24
... f pushing beyond their realms of comfort. We need to go out and see the world for ourselves. Only by embedding and immersing ourselves in the business and intellectual idiosyncrasies on the ground, ca ...More
EJ Insight2024-07-19
... 支。■ 人造肉生產商Beyond Meat據報與債券持有人商討重組債務。■ 聯合航空第二季淨利潤按年升23.1 ...全文
《華爾街日報》引述消息人士稱,美國人造肉生產商Beyond Meat,與一批債券持有人商討重組資產負債表事宜。 ...全文
... g” is way beyond usual nomenclature of opportunism, and here again Brzezinski is worth heeding. He pointed out that “Global political awakening is historically anti-imperial, politically anti-Western, ...More
EJ Insight2024-07-16
Beyond樂隊已故主音歌手黃家駒墳墓被人用鐵錘破壞及淋潑汽水案,兩名男子早前承認一項刑事毀壞罪,今早在觀塘裁 ...全文
... Eagles及香港的Beyond是其最喜愛兩隊組合,他也偶爾作曲但從未公開,「或者將來有機會製作」。他說現在唱 ...全文
... o venture beyond familiar territory, but also to involve students on a collective enterprise, anchored in the uncovering of hitherto unfamiliar territory. In short, the interactive nature of lessons a ...More
EJ Insight2024-07-10
... solutions beyond the realm of individual discipline coincides with the rise of interdisciplinary learning in recent years. Interdisciplinary learning aims to develop generalists with a wide range of k ...More
EJ Insight2024-07-10