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What is there to love about Hong Kong?

... amily and young children. Yet what is oft-overlooked, on the other hand, are those who have opted to stay, whether it be out of a fear of the unknown, a sense of resignation, or a firm belief in the p ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-05


美國白宮預算主管Shalanda Young致函眾議院議長約翰遜(Mike Johnson)及國會其他兩黨領袖 ...全文


'Cat Warrior' aims to win DPP third term in Taiwan

... women and young people, whose votes the DPP badly needs. From its foundation, the Taiwan Presbyterian Church has been the defender of the Taiwan identity and language, against the Japanese, the Kuomin ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-04

Loss and damage as a common climate cause

... e face to young climate activists.” This explains why, earlier this year, over 130 members of the US Congress and the European Parliament signed a letter calling for his removal. But while the develop ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-04

What our youth need today

... place for young men (folks)” (cf. “No Country for Old Men”). To restore hope into the hands of our youth, is easier said than done. Political institutions – including the government, mainstream politi ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-30

倒掛一刻值千金 今朝金球今朝醉

... 踢在對手艾舒利楊格(Young)腳跟跌倒,球證在VAR提醒下看慢鏡,竟改判十二碼!本來合理判罰,經過VAR卻作 ...全文


有統計以來最旺丁 消費額估計升13%

... nst & Young)首席經濟師Gregory Daco指出,消費者對物價高於疫情前的看法揮之不去, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年11月25日

美日重磅政客捧蕭美琴 掀助選疑雲

... 楊甦棣(Steve Young)稱,蕭美琴在台灣有着非常深厚的根基,而且對台灣重要的合作夥伴華府,也有深入了解 ...全文


Can't touch or feel a digital asset?

... st of the young live, work, and play in a digital domain.   -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-22


會計師事務所安永(Ernst & Young)計劃放棄英國倫敦總部,顯示隨着居家辦公變得流行,辦公室租 ...全文


「藍白合」若破局 「賴蕭配」必受惠

... 棣(Stephen Young)形容,蕭美琴十分沉着冷靜,擔任台灣駐美代表的表現卓越。他又說:「我不認為蕭美琴 ...全文


Opportunities brought by the ageing population

... when many young workers have left, hindering the development of the Hong Kong’s knowledge-based economy. In competing for more talents globally, the situation inevitably leads to higher average wage l ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-20


... 公司,5名被告分別為Young Kim、Jim McGovern 、John Curtis、Dan Sulli ...全文



安永(Ernst & Young)的調研報告顯示,全球近四分三的消費者計劃押後假期消費,等待例如感恩節 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年11月10日


... 重視歷史──即使是個young country,已經歷不少戰爭,才換來富強;衝突之中,又冒出不同種族的面孔和聲 ...全文


Hong Kong must remain open and inclusive for all

... Kong as a young teenager, in search of business opportunities – and have emerged as powerful, prominent business leaders who have contributed ceaselessly to the advancement of Hong Kong’s economic and ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-07

美跨黨派議員提案 促制裁林定國及張舉能等49人

... 印太小組主席金映玉(Young Kim)表示,北京利用《港區國安法》控制港人,《香港制裁法案》將便於美國採取堅 ...全文


洛奇大舅 人生如戲

... 國老牌影星Burt Young跟隨角色一起變老,人生如戲,戲如人生。 「人生中,我一直用力捉緊某些東西,但演戲 ...全文


More babies, by hook or by crook!

... idance on young people's view on marriage, childbirth and family”. He said the role of women was discussed in the Communist Party’s All China Women’s Federation, which he now said it is crucial in "fa ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-01

Understanding China can be easy, but requires humility

... e. “Well, young man, you clearly should think twice about the media outlets you consume. I regularly read [Z], and I tell you, their coverage of the problems in China is spot on!” Thus ensued a twenty ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-27

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