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... ed in the valley of change.)通通是老生常談了。但那些花白了頭髮仍拖手的老年夫婦,每 ...全文


中銀:煤炭股跑贏大市 留意神華購21347兗煤購13960

... 澳洲 Hunter Valley 煤礦。兗州煤業昨收報5.85元,升4.8%。投資者如看好兗州煤業,可留意兗州 ...全文


US regulators close Tesla autopilot probe

US regulators have closed a probe of a fatal crash involving a Tesla Motors Inc. car driving itself, concluding the Silicon Valley auto maker’s semi-automated technology didn’t contain a safety defect ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-20

HK urged to focus on endangered foreign parrot species

... and Happy Valley are said to be the birds' major habitats here.  Gibson and Yong suspect the cockatoos had been brought from their origins and sold as pets in the city. Some birds escaped or were rele ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-05

Qualcomm to invest in SoftBank’s technology fund

... a Silicon Valley imprimatur to what would be one of the world’s largest pools of private capital. SoftBank—the conglomerate whose chief executive, Masayoshi Son, has spoken of a coming technology revo ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-04

Nokia sues Apple over technology patents

... a Silicon Valley jury had awarded one of its units a US$7.3 million settlement in an infringement case against Apple involving two smartphone patents. Nokia, once the world's dominant cellphone maker, ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-22

Going up Cloudy Hill in Tai Po

... a Lo Tung Valley on the eastern side of Cloudy Hill, which is a known hub of butterflies and dragonflies. As the sound of running stream got louder, the reservoir came back to sight. The barbecue area ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-16

太浩湖 呼吸天使的空氣

... ,北岸的Squaw Valley是區內排名第二的國際級雪場,更是1960年冬季奧運會的舉辦場地,當地人稱之為O ...全文


學術世界另一對Two Cultures

... 谷(Silicon Valley),Terman教授也因而被稱為「矽谷之父」。幾十年來,史丹福和矽谷的科技企業 ...全文


蘋果之王 加拿大Ambrosia

... milkameen Valley的Ambrosia蘋果,是Mennell家族於1990年在加拿大的自家果園裏, ...全文



... 成為Silicon Valley的頭號競爭對手,美國企業不惜掏腰包以高價收購。瑞典創出世界級奇蹟,政府官方網站 ...全文


Why US tech fall on Trump’s victory is unjustified

... s Silicon Valley prepares for uncertainty under a Trump administration. The Dow Jones Industrial Average has surged 5.5 percent since Trump won the election, led by old-economy stocks such as infrastr ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-17

How Donald Trump could shake up Silicon Valley

... n Silicon Valley. Trump has said he will go after internet companies. Rich Americans supported Hillary Clinton. Internet leaders have open political views and have been loyal Clinton supporters. Trump ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-14

新加坡領事館區高端豪宅Mon Jervois
本周買家專享多項優惠 每方呎僅10,000港元起

... oad、River Valley Road、Tanglin Road及高速公路如CTE、AYE和ECP等;步行 ...全文


Unemployed man on trial for dating app scam

...  in Happy Valley with 10 mobile phones, phone cards, condoms and some cash in his possession. Sin Kwok-ming, chief inspector (crime) of the Wan Chai Police district, said the police had received a doz ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-03

Five kid-friendly hiking trails

... wn in the valley. Steps lead up to the trail, and you have views out across the waters. Information boards point out the plants that grow along the way – banyan, plum and gum trees. At the forest road ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-02

Honda picks Tokyo over Silicon Valley for AI research center

Honda Motor has opted to headquarter its artificial intelligence (AI) research center in Tokyo, rather than Silicon Valley in the United States, as the automaker wants the researchers to work closely ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-01

How mini flats can be a ticket to top schools

In a new housing project in Happy Valley, a traditional area with good schools, more than 90 percent of apartments offer a usable floor area of just 61 square feet. Yet, the developer of the project c ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-26

Burglars hit fashion tycoon's home but come up empty-handed

... ear Happy Valley by breaking a window at around 11 p.m. on Sunday, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. Chou was an early investor in brands such as Tommy Hilfiger and Michael Kors. He lives in the ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-25

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