
共 944 個結果
頁數:1...35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 ...48

Why innovations are not driving productivity growth

... n Silicon Valley and other global technology hubs, that we are entering a new golden era of innovation, which will radically increase productivity growth and improve the way we live and work. So why h ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-06


... 《驚奇谷》(The Valley of Amazement)就有這樣的場景:在上世紀初的上海,一名上了年紀的高 ...全文



... 隆河谷(Rhone Valley),因為二人深信能觸動人心的紅白美酒,始終仍然是法國的最好。為了與愛酒之人分享 ...全文


意國酒莊之旅 尋找Barolo di Barolo

... erralunga Valley以西,其土壤特性所孕育的葡萄酒質較優雅柔順,帶有迷人香氣。酒莊擁有約24公頃葡 ...全文


How virtual technology can save real lives

... a Silicon Valley startup selling chips it calls vision processing units, and Nervana Systems, a machine learning service that plans to move from GPUs to chips of its own design. “There is no way that ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-23

馬德拉群島 全球最佳島嶼

... 修女谷(Nun's Valley)。在青翠群山環抱下的一個深谷,當中有一迷你村莊,這便是從前一群修女為逃避海盜 ...全文



... 人谷(Hunter Valley)的單一品種(Single varietal)白酒,風格獨一無二,就連我的一些 ...全文


Propriety stems from self-respect

... the Hunza Valley in northern Pakistan as part of a group affiliated with the Tsinghua University. The person I'm referring to is a 40-year-old director of a filming crew from a mainland television sta ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-13

China, Israel strengthen ties on innovation

... f Silicon Valley through Tel Aviv and the international startup community, this historically crucial state is at the beating heart of the global economy. Israeli soft-power flows from its ability to h ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-13

人口增長170% 潛力無窮 升值首選
澳洲布里斯本 Chester & Ella

... Fortitude Valley火車站,還是從公寓門外乘搭巴士前往市中心,亦只需10分鐘。項目又鄰近New F ...全文


Tesla production, spending rising, 500,000 cars planned in 2018

... e Silicon Valley company led by Elon Musk. "Increasing production fivefold over the next two years will be challenging and likely require some additional capital, but this is our goal," Tesla said in ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-05


... 入所謂的death valley死亡幽谷——在燒光資金前推出市場並獲得市場肯定商業模式。最後,第三步擴大規模進 ...全文



... 牙河谷(Loire Valley)、朗多克(Languedoc)、意大利Abruzzo和奧地利Wachau均有 ...全文


Police call off burglary operation after embarrassing find

Police called into the scene of a suspected burglary in an upscale Happy Valley neighborhood successfully traced the potential culprit to a third-floor apartment in Blue Pool Road. But all they found ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-03

Honey, the magical food

... Shing Mun Valley and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Each hive box is a colony consisting of three kinds of adult bees: a queen, several hundred drones and 20,000 workers. Honey is also food for ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-29

宜蘭 台北後花園

... 自英國Cherry Valley(櫻桃谷)農場,在宜蘭成功繁殖後,從孵、飼育直到屠宰,作業程序一條龍,由於每一 ...全文


This rice wine brings luck to racehorse owners

... the Happy Valley Clubhouse, enjoying a wonderful dinner prepared by the renowned chef Wan Tat-kong. With 50 years of professional experience in the culinary arts, including 30 years in Japan, Chef Wan ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-22

回顧Louis Latour成就

... 到隆河(Rhone Valley)的Ardèche種植莎當妮(Chardonnay),釀成一款質素優秀的白酒, ...全文


Food crisis hits Japan quake victims as rescuers ramp up search

...  into the valley below. Factories for major manufacturers including Toyota, Sony and Honda were closed, causing supply chain disruptions around Japan. Food was in short supply as roads remained cut of ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-18

治安稱冠 專才擇居 校區優質

... 於該區南端的Fox Valley Road,距離火車站約10分鐘車程。與香港港安醫院(Hong Kong Ad ...全文


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