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人生饗宴 旅途人生

... 環石板街酒店的Ta Vie旅,是米芝蓮二星大廚佐藤秀明廚藝旅程的最新一站。貴為香港天空龍吟的開店主廚,佐藤秀明 ...全文



... 。但中概股大部分採取VIE(可變利益實體)架構,回歸A股首先要拆除VIE,過程十分複雜;再加上A股尚未實施真正 ...全文


同股不同權諮詢 周五公布結果

... st Entity,VIE)的公司上市,吸引企業回歸A股,對本港帶來挑戰。事實上,中證監及國內交易所正研究接納 ...全文



... 更為重要的是如何拆解VIE(Variable Interest Entity)結構及如何重新在中國股票市場上市 ...全文



... 10%。 最重要拆解VIE 同一天,另一在美上市的中國房地產綜合服務商易居,其董事局主席周忻與該公司在中國的天 ...全文



... 廳,加盟新餐廳Ta Vie,做他一直心屬的日式法國料理。主廚的重任,就落在原本是副主廚関秀道的身上。那一邊廂, ...全文


紅籌回歸概念 人幣基金冒起

... 國家政策在年初表收緊VIE架構(Variable Interest Contract)以及鼓勵紅籌回歸A股,不 ...全文



... 股權結構類創業企業(VIE)在境內上市,即大部分美國上市的中概股可重返A股上市,預計未來3年將有近千家海外上市 ...全文


More Nasdaq-listed China firms seen returning home

More Nasdaq-listed Chinese firms are likely to unwind their Variable Interest Entity (VIE) structure and list themselves on China's New Third Board (NTB) in the second half of this year, according to ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-04

Why US-listed Chinese companies are heading home

... t entity (VIE) structure which separates the role of ownership and the beneficiaries of a Chinese company, revamping the shareholding structure and waiting to be listed. Many Chinese enterprises may n ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-03

海外科網中企 華興助回歸A股

... 港具有交易高效性、對VIE結構政策相對寬鬆等優勢,而且「滬港通」及即將開通的「深港通」可令中港兩地資本市場趨於 ...全文


How Yahoo plans to vie for HK e-shoppers

Online platforms that target Hong Kong consumers are evidently seen as a good proposition, judging by the spate of new e-business ventures announced in recent months. Hong Kong Television Network (011 ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-07

Proposed China law threatens foreign internet players

... t entity (VIE) which is common in the US technology sector. The Wall Street Journal, working with Dow Jones Risk & Compliance, identified companies that appear to be at risk from the proposed law. ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-20

Apple sees bright holiday after robust iPhone, Mac sales

... d iPhones vie with rival devices from Microsoft Corp. and Amazon.com Inc. for consumers' holiday spending. But sales of the iPad, which helped launch the mainstream tablet market in 2010, slid for the ...More

EJ Insight2014-10-21

China inspires bun fight over iPhone 6

... cruits to vie for the stores’ limited stock. “It’s our understanding that the mark-up on these phones when they’re resold in China can be upwards of 300 percent,” Hartman said. “For the most part, the ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-23

How to vie for investment dollars from China's super rich

Everywhere, rich people try to figure out how to protect their wealth, if not grow it. In the case of wealthy Chinese, the decision often comes down to a choice between keeping their money at home and ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-26

IPO dampener: Why Alibaba and why now?

... t entity (VIE) mechanism. US-listed Chinese companies, such as Baidu and JD.com, have such a shareholding structure, but why single out Alibaba and why now? There are two possible explanations. One co ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-24

London digs in as renminbi trading hub

... the world vie for a slice of the fast-growing renminbi trade, the report said. Britain is keen to defend its status as the biggest offshore renminbi trading center outside Asia but faces competition f ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-12

World Cup economics: Forget it, just have fun

... countries vie to host the World Cup supports the assumption that it's profitable. But not all are fans of World Cup economics. Some cite fewer working hours and declining efficiency to prove that the ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-11

HKEJ Today: Highlights

... rain Interview: The newly approved through-train, a scheme for cross-border trading of shares listed in Hong Kong and Shanghai by individuals, is unlikely to boost transactions to a great extent, give ...More

EJ Insight2014-04-22

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