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Gap調低首季收入預測 股價市後下挫

美國服裝集團Gap表示,因應Old Navy品牌管理層變動與宏觀經濟具挑戰性,大幅調低本季銷售預測。消息曝光後 ...全文


US strategic ambiguity over Taiwan must end

... ary power gap between Taiwan and China, just as there was between Ukraine and Russia. Moreover, that gap is growing larger every year. Second, neither Ukraine nor Taiwan has formal military allies. Bo ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-19

CFO’s top priorities for future-proofing finance teams

... he skills gap—the difference between what finance teams will need to compete and create organisational value and the skills they currently have—presents a challenge for enterprises, and the challenge ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-12


... nsumption gap)概念入手,探討退休開支問題。文內提及美國退休人士存在underspend現象,多達 ...全文


Investing for impact and profit

... ersistent gap between public commitments and action. Simply put, climate advocates have failed to persuade investors and firms to act because they have failed to understand what ultimately drives busi ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-04

Replace Russian oil and gas with renewables

... he energy gap created by stopping Russian fossil-fuel imports, while minimizing the damage to national economies. For now, they have the public with them. But if energy costs rise too high, or shortag ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-30

The Ukraine war is reshaping development

... , and the gap between them and the advanced economies, had reached levels last seen a decade prior. Amid soaring poverty, catastrophic natural disasters, and intensifying civil strife, it should not b ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-28

Chinese firms face critical choices over Russian market

... nd sudden gap in the market. Should the three companies take advantage and sharply increase their exports to Russia? But, in doing so, will they incur anger from governments and consumers in Western c ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-28


... nsumption Gap,結論令人不期然從另一角度思考退休。該項研究雖在2016年發表,若干地方或有需要作出 ...全文


Developing digital literacy to keep consumers safe online

... ons in Singapore alone in Jan-Oct 2021 hit $64bn, more than double and well above the $25bn recorded in the same time period in 2020. Further data from PPRO also shows that the ecommerce boom is here ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-17

Closing the global childcare gap

... he gender gap in childcare provision is even wider in low- and middle-income countries. In India, for example, women provided ten times as much unpaid childcare as men. Since the start of the pandemic ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-11

道指收市挫179點 納指下滑1.66%

... 1.8%和1.5%。Gap業績勝預期,股價急升13%後反覆持平,而迪士尼跌3.3%,波音急挫4.2%,為表現最 ...全文


新職位大增67.8萬 道指曾瀉五百

... 1.8%和1.5%。Gap業績勝預期,股價急升13%後反覆持平,迪士尼跌3.3%,波音急挫4.2%。 美市收市 ...全文


Why is Japan so cheap?

... n, and Singapore being surprised by the high prices of goods and services there. In Tokyo, for example, a bowl of ramen typically costs less than ¥1,000 ($8.66), but in New York, based on my observati ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-04

Gap季度虧損少預期 年度盈利指引勝估計

美國服裝連鎖集團Gap公布,截至1月底止第四季,虧損1600萬美元(下同),前一年度同期獲利2.34億元。每股 ...全文


The trust-but-verify path to net zero

... ate trust gap is mutual. Many in Europe and North America regarded Chinese President Xi Jinping’s announcement at the United Nations in 2020 that China aims to become carbon neutral by 2060 as a smoke ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-01

Tapping global health care’s greatest resource

... ridge the gap between health-care facilities and underserved populations. Usually, they are trained by NGOs and receive little or no compensation from their governments. In fact, few governments aroun ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-22

An Argentinian haircut for the IMF

... g funding gap seems far-fetched. Central-bank real interest rates are set to become positive in 2022, consistent with policies to combat inflation (which is currently above 50% in Argentina) and to su ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-18

Measuring poverty properly

... . And the gap between the haves and have-nots is growing, thanks to the dual challenges of COVID-19 and climate change. The poor suffer the most in times of crisis because they lack the social capital ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-17

Climate accountability now

... osing the gap in financing for climate adaptation, and ending the use of coal. But these advances were nowhere close to sufficient, given the existential threat posed by rising emissions and temperatu ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-15

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