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數字人幣測試順暢 完成交易400萬宗

... 方透過「二維碼」或「tap and go」科技使用。他補充,中國的數字貨幣仍在起步階段,未來仍要就透明度等複雜 ...全文



... 方透過「二維碼」或「tap and go」科技使用。 他補充稱,中國的數字貨幣仍在起步階段,未來仍要就透明度等 ...全文


Ant will fly!

... JD.com to tap Hong Kong market as a hedge to the sour China and United States relationship. With a target valuation of US$250-280 billion according to reports, Ant Group is set to become the world’s l ...More

EJ Insight2020-10-21

The recovery needs development aid

... rning the tap back on once the crisis seems to have passed, or once their own economic recovery or domestic interests demand it. Whether we emerge from this crisis stronger or weaker will depend as mu ...More

EJ Insight2020-10-16

Leveraging Africa’s informal economy for young people

... ey should tap young people’s own networking skills, including their social-media savvy. Despite the high barriers they face, young Africans are already influential social actors and activists, and eng ...More

EJ Insight2020-10-07


... toilet-to-tap)。對廢水進行過濾和提純,使之變得像礦泉水一樣純淨,甚至更純淨,其中包括馬桶水。香港 ...全文


樸素風格 親民法菜

... 點選由Florie Tap精心挑選的天然葡萄酒。Florie曾於倫敦Koffmann's及Hibiscus餐廳 ...全文


Ethereum wallet app Argent rides DeFi wave in Asia

...  have one-tap access to decentralized finance (DeFi) apps. And these are projects built on Ethereum that let you earn interest, invest, borrow, as well as the basics of storage and sending [crypto] to ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-27

Three ideas for investors seeking diversification and growth

... reasingly tap the Asian private credit market. More traditional investments for this region also include China A-shares in the equity space and Asian high yield in the fixed-income space. On the other ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-25


葡萄牙政府同意向葡萄牙航空公司(TAP)的股東尼爾曼(David Neeleman)購入22.5%權益,令政府 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2020年07月04日

基金粉飾櫥窗 科技藥股輪住炒

... 內地最大遊戲社區平台Tap Tap的公司,年內有新款遊戲推出,看好手遊股的,可續留意。其他手遊股中,博雅互動( ...全文


Contactless payment: path to a better HK public transit future

... s can now tap to pay with Visa contactless when travelling on Taoyuan MRT (including Airport line) and Kaohsiung Metro stations. Since last year, Sydney began to accept Visa contactless in phases at i ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-10

How payments operators can adjust to coronavirus pandemic

...  boosting tap-and-go checkout functions in supermarkets, or facilitating restricted shopping times to limit crowds. For retailers with the necessary setup, these wallets can also be a means of payment ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-08

歐多國開放邊境 意男高音康復

... 國後,毋須接受隔離。TAP葡萄牙航空自7月份起恢復往返意大利、西班牙等重疫國的國際航班。 德國政府昨日通過有關 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年05月27日

HK-focused VC fund Beyond Ventures eyes two IPOs

... d aims to tap private markets, according to Nikkei Asian Review’s report in March citing people briefed on the plan. In the interview, Man declined to identify the two firms which have the listing pla ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-15

康宏持續培訓 疫市不停學 建網上專業平台 領先業界

...  Program (TAP)及Professional Patterns of Management(PPM) ...全文


Esprit: A great HK business story about to end

... t it will tap government assistance where available. So that’s more or less the ending of one of the great business stories in Hong Kong, which will leave a lot of heartaches among local investors. Fo ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-29

Toward a European Reconstruction Fund

...  It could tap into the European Central Bank’s large new Pandemic Emergency Purchase Program (PEPP), or it could request a loan from the ESM, which is now constrained by fewer conditions. Crucially, t ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-16

The human-capital costs of the crisis

... he fiscal tap too early, as the US (and Europe) did in 2010, must be resisted. But the supply-side damage from the crisis is not so easily repaired. Inevitably, supply chains will have to be restructu ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-15

Take me to your leader

... th a tiny tap on the knuckles for those who breach it. Now the ditsy dolly will ban the sale of alcohol in bars and restaurants without making any provision to compensate all those employees who will ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-24

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