... recently, Pokémon GO. It goes without saying that Hong Kong, not mainland China, has been the No. 1 importer of Japanese foodstuff since 2008. Last year, Japan’s exports of foodstuff to Hong Kong amou ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-26
A woman was killed and another injured in what Japanese police are calling the first fatal accident in the country involving the smartphone game Pokémon GO. Police in Tokushima, on the island of Shiko ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-26
日本德島市一名39歲男子周二晚邊駕車邊玩Pokémon GO,結果撞到兩名途人,其中一名72歲老婦重傷不治,為 ...全文
... 此片時,大抵仍未估計Pokémon會紅到發紫,或有生產過程不純正問題,否則可以加埋。但巴西已捲起美少女熱,日前 ...全文
For most Pokémon GO players, catching virtual monsters is a lot of fun, demanding their full attention. But for a 16-year-old boy, the thrill of the game was not enough because his focus was diverted ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-23
... 強,例如,近期熱爆的Pokémon GO,收入驚人,相反,遊戲如不成功,市場競爭激烈,很快就消失。 成功遊戲不 ...全文
... 許決定演出時還未知道Pokémon GO會全球大熱,要不然安倍大可宣傳把東京變成特大訓練場,並有罕見精靈出沒之 ...全文
... 「港獨」進入校園仿似Pokémon般突然在香港出現。 推動「港獨」在校園活動的組織,在面書呼籲中學生在校內成立 ...全文
全球「宅男毒女」被Pokémon帶出房門,走到街上,Alphabet Inc.旗下Niantic Inc.創辦 ...全文
... 技,今年就乘手機遊戲Pokémon GO熱潮,3D打印出多隻小精靈作推廣,其銷售主管梁嘉佑稱,參展目的並不為散 ...全文
Pokémon GO有趣嗎? 是的,相信不少家長以至教師均會承認其趣味性,甚至乎在發行當天已經急不及待地下載至 ...全文
... 戰棋類遊戲;同時,受Pokémon GO遊戲大熱影響,集團暗示會研究同類型Location based遊戲。 ...全文
手機遊戲Pokémon GO引起熱潮,讓人認識到現今科技已進展至寓虛擬世界於現實環境,推出遊戲的公司股價亦一度 ...全文
... 對演出的熱情總不及對Pokémon的熱情,無辦法回到從前看完表演後心裏的滾動狀態。」社會節奏變得更快,不少劇團 ...全文
... 後是AR及VR,隨着Pokémon GO風行及iPhone 7即將推出,樂觀情緒看來已經推到極致。下游工業股估 ...全文
手遊Pokémon GO熱潮近日似乎稍為冷卻, 但街上仍有很多人着迷「捉精靈」,不少商戶亦繼續諗計把握相關商機 ...全文