... grit. But there are also many an instance where aspirations are left unfulfilled not for want of trying – but for a litany of extraneous factors beyond an individual’s control. Straddling the two sets ...More
EJ Insight2024-11-24
It was the tenth lecture of my twelve-lecture series introducing my MA students to the theory and practice of politics. On this gloomy, somewhat dour November day, I opened my lecture with two particu ...More
EJ Insight2024-11-24
In the third quarter of this year, 11 per cent of the revenue of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) came from China, down from 20 per cent in 2019. TSMC is the most prominent Taiwan fir ...More
EJ Insight2024-11-24
The North Korean soldier lay on the ground in terror as a Ukrainian drone circled above him. Will it kill him, or simply photograph him? The image, on sites on the Internet that cover the Ukrainian wa ...More
EJ Insight2024-11-24
Nowadays, it is common for Hong Kong people to cross the border for leisure, shopping and retirement. However, with the differences on the legal and administrative systems, cross-border money transact ...More
EJ Insight2024-11-24
... 't handle the truth!(你承受不了真相!) 難怪大家寧願節省思維力量,乾脆把一大堆看似理由的 ...全文
為慶祝泰國水燈節,美麗華旅遊與泰國駐香港領事館、泰國政府旅遊局、香港航空於The Mira Hong Kong ...全文
... mics發表的論文"The Macroeconomic Announcement Premium And In ...全文
... 5年泰晤士高等教育(THE)世界大學排名中,不但高踞全球第80位,更於反映大學研究之產業價值的「產業」指標上, ...全文
新聞媒體The Information引述消息人士稱,聊天機械人ChatGPT開發商OpenAI,接觸一些科技 ...全文
... 練和推理效率。根據《The Forrester Wave™: Public Cloud Platforms i ...全文
... 的電影《未來戰士》(The Terminator)後,至今不時「發噩夢」;民建聯陳勇則「投訴」立法會去年底陸續 ...全文
... 大圍「圍方」到黃竹坑THE SOUTHSIDE,香港人向來喜歡「趁墟」逛新商場,最關鍵是待新鮮感冷卻後,還能否 ...全文
... ghts from the Frontline)是目前全球發布範圍最廣的投資通訊,擁有過百萬讀者。John M ...全文
今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2024年11月22日
... 四。在他今年出版著作The War on Warriors裏,用了整個篇章去寫女性在軍隊中不應該得到平等對待。 ...全文
... can thank the bird),由於有消費者選擇將牛肉和豬肉加入菜單,在需求降溫,火雞價格下降6.14 ...全文
... 能電影《未來戰士》(The Terminator)後,時至今日仍會發惡夢,但今日在大會上聽取提出議員議案的選委 ...全文