
共 594 個結果
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Applying new technologies for mosquito control

... the city. Yellow Fever, malaria, dengue and Zika Virus are all transmitted by mosquitoes. It's estimated globally that a million people are killed every year by illnesses caused by mosquitoes. World H ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-27


... 黃色香車》(The Yellow Rolls Royce),才知什麼叫美男子。看過柯德莉夏萍的《金枝玉葉》和《 ...全文


New York City votes to cap Uber, Lyft vehicle licenses

... ut 14,000 yellow cabs operate in the city. The effort to cap the services in New York was opposed by ride-hailing businesses, including Uber, Lyft and Via. “The city’s 12-month pause on new vehicle li ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-09

Why I couldn't make it to the Dayo Wong talk show

... fer to as yellow cow. Courtesy a private banker who offered to pay for his poor high school classmates, we began looking for passes that were being resold, not wanting to miss the farewell comedy rout ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-31

悠閒暑天 繽紛茶會

... ,打卡必備;暖呼呼的Yellow Blossom,以洋甘菊茶配上蜜糖,滋潤可口。   I Love Cats下 ...全文


作者Jim Davis: 加菲貓不是橙色

... 』(Federal Yellow),它是黃色的變體。」他笑道。原來Jim未做漫畫家前,曾經為一間路牌油漆公司推 ...全文


'Boastful' writing style is ruining the state and people

... idespread yellow journalism and party propaganda on a daily basis, which begs the question: how can the qualities of the Chinese people be raised under such an environment? This article appeared in th ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-10

Why Chinese people must avoid boastfulness

... e rampant yellow journalism in the mainland for “evoking extreme emotions and spreading bias among society”, thereby giving rise to an inflated sense of self and big-headedness among the general publi ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-09

黃餅商集資伺機 執平鈾囤積居奇

... 經營鈾元素的英國公司Yellow Cake上周四在倫敦上市,成功集資1.7億美元,並用資金購買800萬磅俗稱黃 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年07月09日


... nd Little Yellow和 The Alphabet Tree。今天我們來看Inch by Inch( ...全文


美如玉蘭 海派滬菜

... 辣椒醬,酸辣開胃。「Yellow Bubble」則特選八年黃酒製作,配以接骨木花酒及西柚汁,清甜之中滲透酒香。 ...全文



... 影The Thin Yellow Line平地一聲雷(擔任監製的是今屆奧斯卡最佳導演吉拿域戴拖路),橫掃全球多 ...全文



... 的餐館名為「黃熱」(Yellow Fever)。 Yellow Fever除了是黃熱病,也是美國俚語,用來形容 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年04月30日

修例餓死黃牛 警方莫再吹牛

... 呼I am not Yellow Cow。理論歸理論,實際上香港的執法者由始至終隻眼開隻眼閉,打擊黃牛黨力度之 ...全文


HK acquires three new ambulances; eight-month trial begins

With sirens blaring and brightly painted exteriors, Hong Kong's new fleet of ambulances is hard to miss on the streets. The Fire Services Department recently acquired three brand-new yellow ambulances ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-20


... 這種佳釀以品牌王牌的Yellow Label經典香檳的混製方法作基調,結合了採自50至60個不同園區的葡萄釀品 ...全文


Hiking couple may have mistaken leopard cat for tiger: police

... spotted a yellow animal that looked like a tiger while they were hiking at the Ma On Shan Family Walk. As they were going toward a hilltop called Tiu Shau Ngam, the couple saw the animal emerge from a ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-07

Are you yellow, blue, red or colorless?

...  blue and yellow camps there are not many independent thinkers left who rely on facts to form political opinions. Are you on the side of the government, which banned Agnes Chow Ting from contesting th ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-01

Are you yellow, blue, red or colorless?

...  blue and yellow camps there are not many independent t ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2018年02月01日

Bio-test startup Vitargent taps into China food safety concerns

... n fish", "yellow fish" or "red fish" to help consumers ascertain product safety. Green fish rating means consumers can rest assured that the products are safe for purchase. Since its launch, the "Test ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-29

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