... watching YouTube videos. Researchers considered it an accomplishment because the computers had not been “taught” about cats beforehand, but learned on their own through what researchers call “deep l ...More
EJ Insight2017-12-15
... ctly with YouTube, Reuters reports. Facebook, in a blog post, also said it is tweaking the kinds of advertisements that run in videos on the network. Facebook’s News Feed, which comprises posts from f ...More
EJ Insight2017-12-15
... 、Facebook及YouTube等社交平台本身有大量支持者,惟只有在我們的平台才可以直接獲贈虛擬禮物,得到打 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年12月15日
... 相當精采,有時間可在YouTube輸入Milkshake Marketing找出這段影片。 又以電鑽為例,顧客 ...全文
財經雜誌《福布斯》近日公布年度收入最高的YouTube「網紅」,當中以排名第八的6歲男孩Ryan【圖】最引人注 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年12月12日
彭博引述知情人士報道,全球最大網上視頻平台YouTube計劃明年3月推出新的付費音樂服務,內部暫名為Remix ...全文
Internet groups such as Facebook, Google’s YouTube and Twitter need to do more to stem the proliferation of extremist content on their platforms, the European Commission said after a meeting on Wednes ...More
EJ Insight2017-12-07
短片分享平台YouTube剛公布香港2017年度熱門影片排行榜,歌唱、港男港女等話題作品成為大贏家。10歲香港 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年12月07日
... 馬遜智能電視產品提供YouTube的應用程式服務,並批評亞馬遜沒有在其平台銷售Google生產的硬件。 You ...全文
Google has decided to block its video streaming application YouTube from two Amazon devices in retaliation for the online retailer's refusal to sell some Google products, escalating a rare public spat ...More
EJ Insight2017-12-06
上月被揭發有嚴重漏洞令大量兒童色情及暴力影片得以上載的YouTube,其行政總裁武伊齊茨基(Susan Woj ...全文
... ibuted on YouTube or Facebook – either created by local groups or from anywhere in the world. Broadcast free-to-air TV is just one example of a big, growing, profit-making industry turning into a decl ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-30
... 男兒淚。雖然,以往從YouTube及新聞片段,劉皓嵐也略知第三世界的人的苦況,但當他嘗試親身感受時,衝擊仍大。 ...全文
惠普(HP)、德意志銀行、英國電訊公司(BT)等大公司紛紛撤走YouTube廣告,批評這個全球最大視頻網站及其 ...全文
... company's YouTube equivalent, Tencent Video, has become the video streaming service with the largest paying subscriber base in China, at 43 million subscriptions. "We don't see any signs of slow down ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-16