... 物業展銷會,查詢電話Whatsapp或Wechat:(852) 9700 8657、(853) 6545 10 ...全文
... ing among WhatsApp users said the books were available at various stores, including the well-known Taiwanese bookstore chain Eslite, without any warning messages or special wrapping. According to news ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-12
WhatsApp周二宣布推出桌面版本,能對應視窗8、Mac OS X 10.9或更新的系統,桌面版與網頁版同樣 ...全文
... 窩心說話,就算經常用WhatsApp與朋友聯繫,亦甚少透過WhatsApp與媽媽溝通,但就會做些窩心舉動來「𠱁 ...全文
... 「吓?嗯……難道朋友WhatsApp我, 我可以完全漠視別人嗎?我都要覆一覆他們的訊息。其實我手機和iPad都 ...全文
... 前,飛天朱已在圍內的WhatsApp群組表達對梁特的種種不滿。大約3個月前,飛天朱在群組引述一些網上資料,批評 ...全文
... yers like WhatsApp or Amazon. By contrast, Baidu has reaped its huge profits mainly thanks to the protection from competition provided by the Great Firewall, and the sustainability of its earnings is ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-04
... e through WhatsApp to his colleagues at around 11 a.m., after he left the police station, saying the key to the safe was in a drawer. The station commanders soon found that four bags of bail money wer ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-03
... -1005室 查詢或WhatsApp:9019 9221 (余先生)、6336 3926 (鄭先生)、9863 ...全文
... Instagram和WhatsApp的時間,每天平均超過50分鐘。 fb早前擴充視頻直播服務,包括推出新功能, ...全文
... 不僅沒有check WhatsApp,甚至沒瞄一眼便把之放回口袋,雙眼沒離開過球場,手勢沒停止過,這就是認真和 ...全文
「Oh No!男神子華說未來兩年都不會開壇講棟篤笑!」頭號粉絲Tiffany在WhatsApp群組中打出一串喊 ...全文
友儕飯敍,訂座私房菜館。在網上找到電話,致電卻沒人接聽。但不一會兒,卻在WhatsApp收到幾張菜式和餐牌照片 ...全文