有社服機構最新調查顯示,港島東的劏房租金,呎租中位數達40元,較同區的豪宅更貴;政府統計處的調查結果更顯示,2 ...全文
... 在今次重建區內租住劏房的蘇小姐表示,雖然區內環境十分殘舊,但現時其他地方的租金十分昂貴;她輪候公屋已5年,仍 ...全文
... 不盡的豪宅、居屋乃至劏房,葵涌貨櫃碼頭的倉庫吊臂、中環的摩天大廈金融交易場、連接到每一衞星市鎮的公交系統、銅鑼 ...全文
... 的生活環境可能比香港劏房好一點,但其實都很差。讓學生了解內地都有差異。」這類經驗甚至與通識科內的現代中國相通, ...全文
Subdivided flats, or tong fong (劏房) in local parlance, are a disgrace to Hong Kong. We call our city a global metropolis, and yet we allow those cramped and dilapidated units to be used as living quar ...More
EJ Insight2015-08-12
... ong fong (劏房), or sub-divided flat, in districts like Sai Wan and North Point will cost up to HK$6,000 per month. So, what is the solution for those with limited budgets? Well, our advice is: keep cal ...More
EJ Insight2015-07-16