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大倫敦住宅租金冠全國 飆11%
Lavender區享鐵路優勢 買樓收租之選

... St. Johns Road及Northcote Road兩條大街,有商場、銀行、超市、酒吧及餐廳,可滿足日常 ...全文


Do as the locals do in Hong Kong

Why isn't there a McDonald’s outlet on Macdonnell Road? The post went viral at Little Red Book, or Xiaohongshu, over the golden weekend when young mainland visitors were eager to share their unique tr ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-10

Crowdsourced maps can enhance city’s efficiency and flexibility

... ned with broadband and artificial intelligence such as computer vision, people can easily participate in mapping by uploading information. In fact, this idea of enlisting the public to contribute data ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-10

The end to friendships

...  down the road and stalling the inevitable? ‘Renfield’ put Nicholas Hoult and Nicholas Cage in the one and the same movie, and depicts, in an expressly gory and macabre manner, an unhealthy relationsh ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-08

The dangerous fixation over purging all things Western

...  take the road internationalization.” Many of the more recalcitrant voices in our city, would benefit from heeding carefully Zheng’s words. Retaining truly Western flavours in Hong Kong’s unique and u ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-03

只要位置靚 爛屋也搶手

... 。就以Dorset Road 2A號一間兩層高的兩房相連屋為例,附設兩個停車位,下層客飯廳可通往具備有蓋燒烤區 ...全文


墨爾本搜購平價屋 Pascoe Vale可取
內城區兩房獨立居停 255萬港元上車

... et和Sydney Road都有各式餐廳和咖啡店,鄰近Pascoe Vale火車站的Pascoe Vale酒店 ...全文


Hong Kong’s recovery: Greatest threat is parochialism

... lectronic road pricing to the diversification of the economy – and sidelining anyone not from elite circles or having non-mainstream ideas. Although the history of the UAE is different to that of Hong ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-27

The wisdom of Germany’s nuclear phase-out

... as a long road ahead on ensuring nuclear safety. There is currently no final repository to store spent fuel rods safely in operation anywhere in the world, and finding a site for one is hugely difficu ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-24

A BRICS threat to the dollar?

...  Belt and Road Initiative. Realizing the BRI’s ambitious agenda of transnational infrastructure investments in cooperation with India would make a far more powerful and lasting contribution to Asia an ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-17

How to improve smart mobility in addition to new toll scheme?

... impact on road capacity and the environment. This provides analysts with a deeper and more rapid understanding of past and present traffic patterns, so as to predict more precisely future trends, ulti ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-17

保安森嚴 禁攜手機入內

... e Queen's Road Central(解放皇后大道中)」等字句,呼籲減少該區行車流量。 ...全文



... e Queen’s Road Central(解放皇后大道中)」等字句,呼籲減少行車流量改善環境。 ...全文


倫敦Waltham Forest樓價升幅贏首都
Leyton打造活力社區 宜居之選

... ea Bridge Road一帶的Argall Business Improvement District。定 ...全文


泰潑水節回歸 估吸30萬海外客

... (Khao San Road)是最大戰場。 觀光收入逾11億 達疫前六成 潑水節是傣族人的新年宋干節(Son ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年04月14日

按周末計挫九成 海茵莊園銷9伙領先

... 1 BORRETT ROAD於復活節長假期首天(7日)售出1期12樓3號室,實用面積2193方呎,4房間隔,連 ...全文


面積逾7000呎 有機問鼎今年最貴新盤

... 1 BORRETT ROAD 4房戶招標 事實上,自本港新冠疫情爆發以來,山頂甚少有新盤發售。最新是裕峰發展山 ...全文


Is globalization over?

...  The Silk Road connected Asia and Europe in the Middle Ages, but it was nothing like the vast flows of modern container ships, let alone internet communications that connect continents instantaneously ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-03

暖武里府接通曼谷地鐵 樓市有錢途
分層平首都邊陲43% 今年看漲一成

... onthaburi Road一帶最旺,商店林林總總好不熱鬧,其中佔地廣達120英畝(48.6公頃)的貓頭鷹夜市 ...全文



... onthaburi Road為區內主要大街,食肆及各式商店林立,包括日式寵物美容店、咖啡室及手機舖等,亦是知名 ...全文


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