Estee Lauder是其中一隻消費股王,擁有良好的網上銷售模式,使該公司在新冠疫情持續、各國紛紛開展「第三 ...全文
成立於1957年的香港大學專業進修學院(HKU SPACE),是香港乃至亞洲地區最早的持續進修及商業管理教學機 ...全文
時尚界殿堂人物Tom Ford,外表俊朗,才華橫溢,曾修讀美術、建築,最後情傾時尚,成為時裝設計大師。不懂電影 ...全文
美國候任總統特朗普周四展開謝票之旅,預告周一(5日)會提名有「癲狗」(Mad Dog)之稱的退役將軍馬蒂斯(J ...全文
A nearly four-hour long movie about a woman's thirst for revenge and her feelings of forgiveness after 30 years in jail for a crime she did not commit has won the Venice Film Festival's top prize, Reu ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-12
由「住洋樓,養番狗」、「四仔主義」(屋仔、車仔、老婆仔/老公仔、BB仔/狗仔),再來到現在各種上車故事,置業一 ...全文
A gangster turned international model who went on the run in Australia was arrested in a swimwear shoot sting. Ben Fiberesima featured in campaigns for some of the world's top fashion houses while wan ...More
EJ Insight2015-05-21