... 室」(Sensor Lab),提供微納米傳感器研發專用的潔淨室設施、設備及工具,支援業界研發、原型試產及測試。 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年05月29日
... 室「Fabrica Lab」、實驗式體驗店「Techstyle X」等硬件配套。 穿針引線助融資吸客 「如果初 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年05月27日
... oah’s Ark Lab" for his company. Despite the success of Huawei, Ren has always been deeply concerned about the group's reliance on overseas firms, mainly in the US, Europe and Japan, for all sorts of s ...More
EJ Insight2019-05-21
... solutions lab)表示歡迎,認為此舉有助計劃成員退休後可繼續投資,帶來穩定收入,她相信積金局亦希望見 ...全文
... Solutions Lab)在優化強積金投資選項方面有何建樹,較格價平台能否推動業界調低收費更值得討論。MPF ...全文
華為傳最快下月在南韓首爾開設首個5G開放實驗室(Open Lab),並物色與當地通訊商合作,擴大南韓市場。 內 ...全文
A lab under the Hospital Authority (HA) has warned members of the public against eating wild plants without confirming the safety of the species first, pointing out the fact that some plants can cause ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-11
... 」(Data Collaboration Lab)試點計劃,首階段為6間本地大學學者牽頭的研究計劃提供數據發展 ...全文
億仕登控股(01656) 海外監管公告 - Joint Lab with A*STAR SIMTech (21 ...全文
Three restaurants have stopped serving fresh tuna after samples of their products were found to contain mercury levels in excess of the legal limit, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. The Centre ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-29
... 理工學院Media Lab 2017年的數據,拉動泰國出口最多的產品是辦公機器(Office Machine) ...全文
今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 信觀點張倩燁2019年03月23日