
共 662 個結果
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China censors show ability to block images in mid-transit: WSJ

... s Citizen Lab said image censorship on WeChat covered private chats for the first time. Citizen Lab said it is investigating how WeChat could block images in mid-transit, considering that the speed is ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-19


... MIT Media Lab合作,研究在可調控光線、氣溫、濕度、水壓等各種因素的環境下,如何生長更優質的植物。首 ...全文


What's tougher than convincing De Niro to be his son-in-law?

... gineering lab of the University of Pittsburgh? We do not deny those were important questions to ask, but would it be fair to immediately draw conclusions about the mettle of the man based on his tenta ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-10

Asia's first stool bank gets down to business

... uare-foot laboratory, which is housed in a sleek office tower along the bustling Des Voeux Road Central, will store superior samples from donors before the faecal matter is processed. Foul odor is the ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-05

CY Leung comes under fire over MPF issue

...  from the labor and business sectors in the Labor Advisory Board (LAB) have reached a consensus over the issue. Business leaders have pointed out that under the existing mechanism that has been in pla ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-20

Contractor facing heat over bridge tests may be repeat offender

...  regional laboratory in Siu Ho in Lantau were found to be questionable, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. The lab is run by Jacobs China Ltd., which was suspected of having altered the dates on ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-19

Shark in Deep Water Bay? Online photo sparks discussion

... ndergoing lab tests. A doctor performed an operation after noting that the man's artery, nerves and ligaments had been damaged by the bite. Netizens who saw the photo had different opinions on what ki ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-13

學徒出身 助家鄉成太空大國

... 箭公司Rocket Lab創辦人兼行政總裁。雖然該枚火箭最終沒有進入預定軌道,但這家公司早已成為商業航天領域的 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2017年06月03日

首創3D打印製造 廉價發射趨普及

紐西蘭成為目前第11個有能力發射火箭上太空的國家。由紐西蘭人創立的美國私人火箭公司Rocket Lab,昨天成 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年05月26日

黑客組織揚言 公開更多工具

... Kaspersky Lab)稱,WannaCry先前版本的部分程式碼,被北韓支援的黑客組織Lazarus Gr ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年05月17日

Experts examine possible N Korea link to global cyber-attack

... Kaspersky Lab said on Monday some code in an earlier version of the WannaCry software had also appeared in programs used by the Lazarus Group, which researchers from many firms have identified as a No ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-16

MA degree holder loses over HK$1 mln in romance scam

...  home and lab tests confirmed the liquid used to blacken the bills was tincture of iodine tincture while the expensive solvent was only vitamin C fluid. The defendant, who is unmarried but has several ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-08

醫病防盜愈學愈醒 機器學習主宰人類未來

... Kaspersky Lab)統計,約六成的電郵屬垃圾郵件。我們每天打開收件匣時,機器學習程式原來已暗中篩走可疑 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年05月02日

China cargo spacecraft docks with orbiting space lab

China's first cargo spacecraft docked successfully with the Tiangong-2 space lab on Saturday, marking another milestone in the nation's efforts to have a permanently manned space station by 2022, Reut ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-24


... Kaspersky Lab上月剛發布2016年金融機構保安風險報告,顯示有75%電腦罪犯都是透過社交工程手法行 ...全文



共益企業(B Corp)是由美國非牟利機構B Lab發起的一個公司認證,若公司有透明的公司管治、良好環境治理、 ...全文


去年多賺43% 擴大投資手遊

... 騰指公司有成立AI Lab(人工智能實驗室),不同業務都有探討研究AI的實際應用,例如人臉辨識、投放廣告及安全 ...全文



...  Research Lab有個賽車車殼設計項目,在車上安裝多個感應器,他們請來一位世界級賽車手在沙漠上馳騁一星 ...全文


In Vitae Pecunia

... MIT Media Lab)針對去年美國總統選舉期間10億條tweet作分析,發現若在Twitter上僅追蹤其 ...全文


主流企業 vs B型企業

... 美國非牟利組織 B-Lab發起,並推出國際認證制度,以確保B Corps的章程滿足既定的公益與環保標準。經過相 ...全文


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