... 讀書,回到學校就躲在lab做實驗,又是為了什麼?」 現在,他是中大大豆研究中心主任,但初回香港,由零開始,曾經 ...全文
... celerator Lab」,相關空間將設於渣打香港總行,並且將圍繞數碼安全、無紙化、個人化,以及簡化客戶程序 ...全文
美國政府周三以國家安全為由,宣布禁止聯邦機關使用俄國網絡保安公司卡巴斯基實驗室(Kaspersky Lab)的 ...全文
... (El Bulli lab,El Bulli曾是舉世聞名的餐廳),還有名廚Joan Roca、Ferran A ...全文
... Ma Design Lab便是其中一員。創辦人之一的Match(陳少華)坦承6年過去,靠做Upcycling( ...全文
... 六正式啟用第二期X-LAB共創空間,並公布首批投資的6間本地科技初創公司,其中4間將進駐該辦公室。 重點支援6 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年08月15日
... overnment lab工作的想法。」 及至畢業,他開始找工作時,卻向兩個方向投寄履歷,一個是實驗室,一個是 ...全文
... echnology Lab,專門研究captology,即是如何使用電腦技術去針對人性弱點發出吸引人注意力的訊 ...全文
... esults of lab tests on some samples from the leak. -- Contact us at [email protected] TL/JC/RA ...More
EJ Insight2017-08-08
加拿大多倫多大學公民實驗室(Citizen Lab)近日做了個研究,發現諾貝爾和平獎得主劉曉波去世後,國內聊天 ...全文
今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 軟硬中國劉璟2017年08月05日
... nnovation Lab)的初創科技公司提供支援和輔導。在去年8月加入該實驗室的初創公司中,有一家名為KYC ...全文
... NYC Media Lab Summit in New York, Echelon Asia Summit in Singapore and RISE Conference in Hong Kong. Through these events, young local entrepreneurs can promote their expertise and gain media exposure ...More
EJ Insight2017-07-27
... s Citizen Lab said image censorship on WeChat covered private chats for the first time. Citizen Lab said it is investigating how WeChat could block images in mid-transit, considering that the speed is ...More
EJ Insight2017-07-19
... MIT Media Lab合作,研究在可調控光線、氣溫、濕度、水壓等各種因素的環境下,如何生長更優質的植物。首 ...全文
... gineering lab of the University of Pittsburgh? We do not deny those were important questions to ask, but would it be fair to immediately draw conclusions about the mettle of the man based on his tenta ...More
EJ Insight2017-07-10
... uare-foot laboratory, which is housed in a sleek office tower along the bustling Des Voeux Road Central, will store superior samples from donors before the faecal matter is processed. Foul odor is the ...More
EJ Insight2017-07-05
... from the labor and business sectors in the Labor Advisory Board (LAB) have reached a consensus over the issue. Business leaders have pointed out that under the existing mechanism that has been in pla ...More
EJ Insight2017-06-20