... 開設Disinfo Lab,打擊網上流傳的假新聞,以及設立MediaWise項目,改善與年輕人有關的數碼資訊可 ...全文
騰訊(00700)宣布,將會成立機器人實驗室「Robotics X」。Robotics X和AI Lab將會成 ...全文
... y’s Media Lab examining about 126,000 stories shared by some 3 million people on Twitter from 2006 to 2017 found that false news was about 70 percent more likely to be retweeted by people than true ne ...More
EJ Insight2018-03-09
... ellerator lab)下月將正式揭幕,預期可於第二或第三季推出全面的遙距開戶服務。 金融科技創新中心下月 ...全文
... ccredited lab to analyze the heavy metals contents. Revealing the test results on Tuesday, the HKORC said the inorganic arsenic content found in all the tested samples was lower than the upper limit o ...More
EJ Insight2018-02-28
「Cetacean Virtopsy Lab鯨豚影像解剖研究小組」在fb公布,除大年初二(17日)擱淺的白海豚 ...全文
... Kaspersky Lab早前發現,即時通訊程式Telegram的桌面版本,自去年3月起已植入惡意挖礦軟件(C ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年02月15日
... MIT Media Lab and Stanford University, facial recognition technology currently works best for white men, but not so well for dark-skinned women. Experiments undertaken by the researchers showed facia ...More
EJ Insight2018-02-14
... .T. Media Lab)近日發表一份研究報告指出,AI識別對白人男性臉部的準確度可達99%;但皮膚愈偏黑, ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年02月13日
... Kaspersky Lab),在當地開設研發中心。 不過,耶路撒冷要成為下一個矽谷,仍面臨不少挑戰。根據Jer ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年02月12日
... belin Gem Lab是一所權威性的國際級鑑定所,為業界提供專業的寶石鑑定服務,拍賣行的寶石也有品牌證書。 ...全文
Facebook said it removed Kaspersky Lab last year from its list of anti-virus offerings to users who go to the social media site from a computer that may be infected with malicious code. The company to ...More
EJ Insight2018-01-26
... ll be available after a planned update to its operating system for iPhones and iPads in the spring. The new feature will import and store medical information covering allergies, conditions, immunizati ...More
EJ Insight2018-01-25
... research lab and into the holding company - a process it calls "graduating", Reuters noted. The earlier initiatives involved healthcare unit Verily and self-driving vehicle company Waymo. -- Contact ...More
EJ Insight2018-01-25
... icated AI lab in the country. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More
EJ Insight2018-01-24
... future collaboration on technology. The agreement will help Google and Tencent cooperate with each other so that they can "focus on building better products and services for their users," a Google exe ...More
EJ Insight2018-01-23
... Kaspersky Lab)固然是國際首屈一指的電腦安全企業,但去年美國國土安全局因卡巴斯基實驗室懷疑與俄羅斯 ...全文
今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 環地視野陳偉信2017年12月30日