
共 679 個結果
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Ford in talks with Google on self-driving car partnership: WSJ

... velopment lab and has recruited several outsiders, including former investment banker John Casesa, to focus on tech development and mobility services. Casesa is leading a strategy team that will steer ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-24


Breaking into the Lab卷首即說了個帶血故事,時為一九七五年,Rosser已為post-do ...全文



... king into Lab!彷彿要打碎的不只是高掛的glass ceiling,還有看得見卻開不了的horiz ...全文


An accident-free world? Not with self-driving cars around

... riving Collaborative Research Lab in Pittsburgh. “And we have basically decided to stick to the speed limit. But when you go out and drive the speed limit on the highway, pretty much everybody on the ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-18

MCP新都城中心 x Mr. Potato Head Lab 展覽

... tato Head Lab】,特別設計出4大薯蛋頭研究專區,積極為大家於這個聖誕製造無限快樂,現正邀請各「薯」 ...全文


Gambian man denied bail after being accused of attempted rape

... ting some lab results. -- Contact us at [email protected] DY/JP/RC ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-17

S Korean sex shop aims to shatter taboos for women

In conservative South Korea, two women are trying to shatter taboos about sex. Choi Jung-yoon and Kwak Eura have opened "Pleasure Lab" in Seoul, a shop selling sex toys and related items targeted at w ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-17

Police eye poisoning after two dogs found dead in Yuen Long

... sent to a lab to confirm the cause of death. No one has been arrested and police classified the case as animal abuse. Anyone with relevant information about the case is urged to call the police. -- Co ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-15


... mp;T Bell Lab,以及對現今電子產品有深遠影響的Xerox Palto Alto Lab等。我的同事 ...全文



... 銀Evidence Lab的一份關於大陸外出旅遊動態的有趣研究結果,讀後不僅讓人多些了解大陸人哈日的相對程度, ...全文


教育與學習 跳出四面牆

... 「The Good Lab好單位」舉辦的「教育創新沙龍」,將以「學習,跳出四面牆」為主題,為大家介紹本地的教育 ...全文


Is it safe to order food online?

... isioned a lab to run a test on sushi and oyster samples from two different online seafood shops and found a significant variance in the bacteria count. Although all samples met the minimum standard, s ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-18

創新教育 重新審視學習需要

... 於The Good Lab好單位舉辦教育創新沙龍,歡迎參加。報名網站:www.eduinnovation.ev ...全文


Carrie Lam query about test lab worried legislator

Helena Wong Pik-wan, who first exposed Hong Kong's lead-in-water scandal, told am730 she was worried when Chief Secretary Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor asked her for the name of the lab the party had hir ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-11


... 的The Good Lab屬唯一一所專注栽培社會企業家的co-working space。這些共享工作空間為新 ...全文



... nnovation Lab的投資者日,投資和創業專家雲集,形容有身處矽谷之感。 陳家強:港推金融科技潛力大 陳 ...全文


TV networks open labs to read viewers' minds

Television networks are trying a new approach to understand what shows and commercials people like to watch: read their minds. Comcast Corp's NBCUniversal and Viacom Inc are opening labs where they wi ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-05

How to fund the US$1 tln global infrastructure gap

... Knowledge Lab”, launched in June with support from multilateral development banks. The lab is a “one-stop shop” for anyone searching for PPP resources (particularly emerging-market officials, who are ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-04


... ——B型實驗室(B Lab)。B型實驗室的3位共同創辦人Jay Gilbert、Bart Houlahan及A ...全文


Trick or Treat 搞鬼立體曲奇

... o──Sweets-lab創辦人 從小便愛幫Barbie公仔設計造型的Yosanna最愛3D figure蛋糕 ...全文


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