日本漫畫家井上雄彥《男兒當入樽》的電影版「The First Slam Dunk」結局,主角宮城良田── 一個 ...全文
... 頂級食店如米芝蓮3星The Dorchester到平民店Bistro,甚至自家朱古力品牌及廚藝學校,他一舉手一 ...全文
嘉里建設(00683)跑馬地山光道THE ASTER高層B室,實用面積1249方呎,3房間隔,於上月中以493 ...全文
新地(00016)元朗站The YOHO Hub II(The YOHO Hub發展項目第C期),發布價單第7 ...全文
元朗The YOHO Hub 8座高層C室,實用面積534方呎,3房間隔,以月租2.35萬元租出,實用呎租44 ...全文
獅子山集團(01127) THE QUARTO GROUP, INC. 行政總裁辭任及委任臨時行政總裁(326 ...全文
旅發局表示,2024年度「世界50最佳酒吧」(The World’s 50 Best Bars)於昨晚西班牙馬 ...全文
新聞媒體The Information報道,中國快時尚服裝網購平台SHEIN(希音),今年上半年收入增長按年放 ...全文
... rmalizing the FOMC's monetary policy tools)為題,就這兩個現象發表了 ...全文
... ns Fail : The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty ...全文
I had the fortune of receiving an email, whose name shall not be specified. It was sent to me by a journal with a suspicious title and publisher, with three paragraphs of copious praise piled onto me ...More
EJ Insight2024-10-22
In 2021, there was a wave of massive resignations in the United States. About 47.4 million people in the year voluntarily left their jobs for better work, an increase of more than 12% in comparison to ...More
EJ Insight2024-10-22
Hualien – Lin Ming pointed toward the Pacific Ocean outside the hotel where he works. “The day of the blockade rehearsal I did not see the PLA ships on the sea out there. I only learnt of it the next ...More
EJ Insight2024-10-22
... nt,並與YG子公司The Black Label及美國唱片公司Atlantic Records簽約,展開個人 ...全文
... 錄得成交,第4輪推售The YOHO Hub II亦接近沽清,隨着下月聯儲局很大機會減息;加上早前政府放寬住宅 ...全文