... 街金融帝國的崛起》(The Great Game: The Emergence of Wall Street ...全文
... to Blame: The Effect of Collective Blame on Self-Attrib ...全文
聖誕將至,中環街市宣布主辦「冬日夢幻萌寵派對The Pawfect Christmas」,由12月6日至明年1 ...全文
... Air 據科技媒體The Information報道,iPhone 17 Air的機身厚度只有5毫米至6毫米 ...全文
Just a little over a month ago, the leaders of 56 heads of government in the Commonwealth came to the public conclusion that “the time has come” for a proper conversation about the reparations for the ...More
EJ Insight2024-11-26
據科技媒體《The Information》報道,蘋果明年推出的iPhone 17系列,其中賣點是超薄手機,i ...全文
民生區商舖物業獲中資背景買家垂青,深水埗The Campton住宅基座商場部分連車位,早前以近1.05億元易手 ...全文
... 大都市與精神生活》(The Metropolis and Mental Life),開宗明義第一句:「現代生活 ...全文
... 醃菜及印度全麥麵包「The Tandoori Story」。 從記者到擁有米芝蓮兩星的自家餐廳,Garima ...全文
... ay, keeps the fake news away(一日一蘋果 假新聞遠離我)」廣告,黎智英指源自他19 ...全文
即使沒經常閱讀的人,大概也聽過Malcolm Gladwell大名。2000年以The Tipping Poi ...全文
... 示作品之一《泳池》(The Swimming Pool),寬約4米、長約7米,吸引許多人駐足拍照。作品出自阿根 ...全文
... grit. But there are also many an instance where aspirations are left unfulfilled not for want of trying – but for a litany of extraneous factors beyond an individual’s control. Straddling the two sets ...More
EJ Insight2024-11-24
It was the tenth lecture of my twelve-lecture series introducing my MA students to the theory and practice of politics. On this gloomy, somewhat dour November day, I opened my lecture with two particu ...More
EJ Insight2024-11-24
In the third quarter of this year, 11 per cent of the revenue of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) came from China, down from 20 per cent in 2019. TSMC is the most prominent Taiwan fir ...More
EJ Insight2024-11-24
The North Korean soldier lay on the ground in terror as a Ukrainian drone circled above him. Will it kill him, or simply photograph him? The image, on sites on the Internet that cover the Ukrainian wa ...More
EJ Insight2024-11-24
Nowadays, it is common for Hong Kong people to cross the border for leisure, shopping and retirement. However, with the differences on the legal and administrative systems, cross-border money transact ...More
EJ Insight2024-11-24