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... 害或人為危機所扼殺。COVID-19 就是最近的一個例子,但它既不是人類克服的第一個危機,也不會是最後一個。正 ...全文


Can Japan reshape its research funding?

... p its own COVID-19 vaccines. Though it is the world’s third-largest economy, it boasts very few “unicorns” (tech start-ups valued at $1 billion or more) compared to the United States, Europe, or China ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-26

Fixing global economic governance

... ) and the COVID-19 pandemic. The result is a roundabout process whereby central banks lend to commercial banks, which lend to private Western firms, which then lend to foreign governments or infrastru ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-26

零飢餓目標受阻 防範糧食灰犀牛

... 持續惡化。 近幾年,COVID-19瘟疫或封閉式管控人口流動,大大妨礙糧食生產、自然生態修復;而天氣的極端惡劣 ...全文


Governing the right to food

... uring the COVID-19 pandemic and following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Backed by powerful commodity-exporting countries, neoliberal policies have promoted industrial production of export crops at the ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-18

皮膚及性病科專科醫生盧景勳 自小患濕疹哮喘 細述斷尾經歷

... 很多人未試過發濕疹,COVID-19後卻出現了,很難處理。現在有多種治療,包括口服抑制劑或一些小分子治療,還有 ...全文


The global hunger crisis must not be normalized

... , and the COVID-19 pandemic soon exacerbated both. By 2022, an estimated 125 million Brazilians – more than half of the population – faced some degree of food insecurity, with 33 million living in hun ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-16


... 常輕鬆。在2020年COVID-19疫情前後,港元短期利率曾經抽升至接近3%,但因為疫情時美國聯儲局及世界各大 ...全文



... 2019年新冠肺炎(COVID-19)所引發的全球疫情,起源至今仍然如謎。一場在短時間內奪走了全球數百萬人性命 ...全文


What Pandemic Preparedness Would Look Like

  Humanity was caught off guard by the COVID-19 pandemic, even though we had effectively been warned by smaller-scale outbreaks – of SARS, Ebola, MERS, and avian flu – for decades. US President Barack ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-04


...  Auction,在COVID-19爆發不久後成立技能義工配對數碼平台,幫助非牟利機構招募具備專業技能的義工, ...全文


“Unretiring”: Why Recent Retirees Want to Go Back to Work

When COVID-19 sent the economy into a tailspin in 2020, it resulted in 2.4 million excess retirements, according to research from the Federal Reserve of St. Louis in the United States. But many of the ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-27

教育電視《細菌大王》之父 黃玉成退休後積極追動畫夢

... ,講述新一代細菌大王COVID-19正式登基。病毒的皇冠是坊間買來的小戒指,和角色很匹配,它身上一粒粒像蘿蔔的 ...全文


Europe must get serious about critical minerals

... ch as the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, have amplified the importance of secure supply chains across all economic sectors. They also highlight the substantial influenc ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-15

Why enterprises are fully embracing the hybrid model

... ermath of Covid-19, most executives understood that reverting to old patterns meant disregarding the evidence in front of them: ignoring the proof that people are happier, and no less productive, when ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-14

COVID-19’s lessons for climate action

... nt of the COVID-19 pandemic, which killed more than six million people, destroyed businesses and livelihoods, and ravaged the world economy. In fact, the global response to COVID-19 – now an ongoing h ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-13

The lost lessons of the pandemic

The rituals of fall in the northern hemisphere now include preparing for a fresh variant of COVID-19, in addition to the annual flu season. This year, it is EG.5 (nicknamed Eris, the ancient Greek god ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-12


... 的Tapas小餐館,COVID-19封鎖後,大多關門大吉了。 親友催促我早日成行,卻忘掉了說有新機場,結果我上 ...全文



... hange and Covid-19: Reflections on Efficiency Versus Re ...全文

今日信報時事評論龍虎山下謝國生 何敏淙2023年08月30日

The health benefits of financial inclusion

... uring the COVID-19 crisis, the RBI provided $6.78 billion in easily accessible credit for the sector. The substantial effects of finance on health in this natural experiment are more evident than they ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-25

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