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美商業房地產槓桿高 冧價大件事

... ectations Gap)為負19.7%,意味買家與賣家對物業價格的預期出現約兩成的差距。若買賣雙方各退一步 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2024年02月09日


... , and the Gap Between Us and Them一書中提出,人類總是嘗試透過樹立並抗衡一個假 ...全文


年初日日跌 信心就是黃金

... ngs yield gap(盈利收益率差距)有8厘以上,應該是歷來最吸引的水平之一。 當然,港息與美息掛鈎,目 ...全文


中醫藥綜合改革 國家藥監局及香港藥械監管中心

... 監管生態。制定中藥材GAP監督實施示範建設工作實施細則,完成14家重點企業和品種遴選,強化源頭質量控制。發布產 ...全文


DPP to win presidency, Taiwan moves further from China

... ncreasing gap between Taiwan and China. Xi’s China is Marxist and conservative; it puts security, internal and external, above growth and its economy is dominated by state firms. In Taiwan, private co ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-04

DPP to win presidency, Taiwan moves further from China

... ncreasing gap between Taiwan and China. Xi’s China is M ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2024年01月04日

英頒新環保政策 環團批評「漂綠」

... 稱Sycamore Gap Tree)被蓄意砍伐引起民憤,可見英國人熱愛大自然。辛偉誠期望可藉着這一系列的綠色 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年11月30日

What we can do about food insecurity

... financing gap in 2024. Donor governments must look ahead with ambition to next year’s Nutrition for Growth Summit, by increasing their bilateral financial support for food security and starting to mob ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-22


... 收市反覆升0.3%。Gap業績遠勝預期,股價挾高30.6%。應用材料傳涉違反禁令向中國出口,被美國司法部展開刑 ...全文


美股收市反覆靠穩 金價再衝2000關

... 回升0.3%。服裝商Gap業績遠勝預期,股價挾高30.6%。半導體設備生產商應用材料(Applied Mate ...全文


道指高位整固 金價再衝2000關

... 轉升0.3%。服裝商Gap業績遠勝預期,股價挾高30.6%。半導體設備生產商應用材料(Applied Mate ...全文


Gap季績遠勝預期 股價飆33%

美國便服零售商Gap第三季純利按年倒退29%,至2.18億美元,但經調整後每股賺59美仙,遠勝市場預期的19美 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年11月18日

Gap上季業績佳 本季銷售預測遜估計

美國服裝集團Gap公布,截至10月28日止第三季,淨利潤報2.18億元(美元‧下同),按年跌22.7%;每股經 ...全文


With Russia, China is Big Brother

... s and the gap is widening. The war has cost Russia the ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年11月04日

With Russia, China is big brother

... s and the gap is widening. The war has cost Russia the best customer for its oil and gas – the European Union. Hundreds of western companies have exited the Russian market, closed their factories or l ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-02


... 便開始了「空檔年」(Gap Year),她任職的機構有這優良傳統,讓員工停薪留職一年,出外充實自己,她說,正好 ...全文


UK cities declare bankruptcy

... a funding gap of three billion pounds over the next two years just to maintain services. In announcing the bankruptcy, the Birmingham city council said that it faced a huge increase in adult social ca ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-06

UK cities declare bankruptcy

... a funding gap of three billion pounds over the next two ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年10月06日

英地標 300年羅賓漢樹斬斷

... 槭Sycamore Gap Tree遭蓄意砍伐,斷成兩截,一名16歲少年懷疑涉案被捕。 16歲少年涉刑毀被捕 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年09月30日

Europe should de-risk from China, but not disengage

... echnology gap and Europe can learn from China. He cited Chinese firm CATL, the world’s largest maker of electric vehicle batteries, is building a plant in Debrecen, Hungary, with an investment of 7.3 ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-28

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