China will lower import tariffs and continue to broaden market access, President Xi Jinping said on Monday at the opening of a week-long trade expo seen as an attempt by Beijing to counter mounting cr ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-05
萬聖節是小孩子期待的節日,因為可變身為心儀的英雄人物,男的扮鐵甲奇俠、超人,女的則扮成美少女戰士。跨性別人士黃 ...全文
黃竹坑的一座辦公室大樓裏,踏出升降機右轉都是一式一樣的白晳企理寫字樓間隔,直至盡頭左轉,可見一個洋溢異國風情的 ...全文
最近市場有單刁幾得意,就是房託股春泉產業信託(01426)要約事件。春泉產業信託的主要物業組合,包括投資位於北 ...全文
《彭博商業周刊》發表了一份長篇文章,指中國人民解放軍間諜於Super Micro Computer(下稱Sup ...全文
On August 3, Starbucks made an announcement which, though little noticed at the time, amounts to a potentially massive shift in the organization of finance. How did an international chain of coffee sh ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-03
國際藝術大師的作品對很多人來說都好像遙不可及、價值連城的寶物,只可遠觀而不可褻玩。為表達藝術也可觸得可及,有本 ...全文
在南丫島榕樹灣碼頭下船,遊客多會到榕樹灣大街閒逛手工藝店和品嘗美食,又或者到洪聖爺灣泳灘嬉水和燒烤。沿南丫島家 ...全文
Dunkin’ Donuts is dropping the word "Donuts" from its name and rebranding itself as "Dunkin" in an effort to bring beverages and breakfast meals to the forefront of the restaurant chain’s menu. "The n ...More
EJ Insight2018-09-26
說時遲那時快,上周才講完海航何不善價而沽香港國際建投(00687),海航就場外減持香港國際建投股份,涉資3.4 ...全文
Following the damage wrought by Typhoon Mangkhut, some housing estates and local communities have seen their residents get together to help speed up the clean-up and recovery efforts. Heng Fa Chuen, a ...More
EJ Insight2018-09-18
今年初,筆者估計幾間公司會賣盤,第一間是中昌(00859),前稱鎮科,第二間就是海航旗下香港國際建投(0068 ...全文