
共 1908 個結果
頁數:1...27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ...96

HK: Why the post-Covid environment would stay harsh

... specially Bay Area – economy adjusts and develops in new directions. Mainland demand for more sophisticated financial services is one example of a sector with tremendous potential for local expertise. ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-13


... 的霍普灣(Hope Bay)項目。 ...全文


物管生科互撼 沛嘉秤高一線

... ds、Hudson Bay Master Fund、銘基基金、OrbiMed Funds等,合共認購1.51億 ...全文


SoFi acquires Hong Kong's 8 Securities in first global push

... e Greater Bay Area, based on the regulations and how the Hong Kong brokers will be able to deploy into the GBA, that would be a very interesting opportunity for us. And then, we would evaluate how to ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-28


悉尼Gymea Bay近九成住宅是獨立屋,如計劃在此區買樓投資,基本上都應聚焦於這類型物業。不過,澳洲獨立屋的 ...全文


悉尼Gymea Bay山水簇擁 疫境安居
家庭客佔住戶九成 港灣大宅有價

... 尼南區的Gymea Bay便符合條件。在「疫境」之下,人們特別注重身心健康,行山多過逛商場,Gymea Bay ...全文


Coronavirus vs Australia housing market

... oyment at bay is key to stabilising the housing market. Choosing to quote that as his forecast for a 20% is obviously fitting his opinions to a preconceived agenda that the writer already had in mind. ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-15

康方生物首日孖展276億 超購百倍
生科新股疫市焦點 9基投認購過半

... 資本、Hudson Bay Capital及中國國有企業結構調整基金,而5個現有股東包括清池資本、OrbiMe ...全文


居港英國人踏足偏遠海灘 記錄棄置口罩災情

... 's By The Bay。以往有樂隊助興,但在記者到訪當天,酒吧黑沉沉,吧枱亦已蓋上白布,Gary為了員工及 ...全文


Three men get jail sentences for violating quarantine orders

...  Shenzhen Bay Port on March 8. His falsification was discovered two days later when he tried to go to Shenzhen via the same border control point. The defendant, a Hong Kong identity card holder, had p ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-31

Govt to launch new round of relief fund for virus-hit businesses

... in Quarry Bay to monitor the implementation of the latest measures to promote social distancing, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reported. Lam was accompanied by Executive Council member and Liberal Pa ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-30

Covid-19 cases jump to 641; another police officer falls victim

...  Causeway Bay and Tsim Sha Tsui, could be linked to infections. The official did not disclose the identities of the outlets. On Sunday, police said a 31-year-old male officer preliminarily tested posi ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-30


... 方向Rozelle Bay附近,建於1904年的電車廠Rozelle Tram Depot,營運至上世紀五十年 ...全文



... 京灣區(Tokyo Bay Zone),兩者的交界──中央區晴海,正是奧運選手村所在地。這地段可以說是東京的黃 ...全文


HK Covid-19 cases approach 400; LKF band members add to tally

... Discovery Bay on March 14. The other clusters pertained to social gatherings that took place at the Cheung Lung Industrial Building in Cheung Sha Wan and at a building at Wong Chuk Hang. Asked by medi ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-25

The new hybrid AGM for shareholders

... Discovery Bay where a number of guests had been infected with Covid-19. As it is rather difficult to predict what will be the coronavirus situation in Hong Kong in May, CLP asks shareholders to assess ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-25

Man charged with breaching quarantine after giving fake address

...  Shenzhen Bay Port on March 8, and was thus required to fill in a quarantine form at the arrivals hall, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. However, it was found that the man had given a fake addr ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-24


由長實(01113)發展的淺水灣道90號(90 REPULSE BAY ROAD)剛以招標形式落實售出1號大宅 ...全文


Two more eateries suspend business amid Covid-19

... avirus at bay, making adjustments to our lifestyles and foregoing the usual pleasures. As we hunker down to fight the invisible enemy, many long-standing dining establishments, among other businesses, ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-23

HK Covid-19 cases top 300; wedding-linked infections jump to 8

... Discovery Bay on March 14, an event that was already linked to some cases uncovered earlier.  The latest persons who tested positive were the 31-year-old groom, the wedding’s master of ceremonies, and ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-23

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