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新地(00016)旗下新城市廣場全新戲院大樓正式命名為MOVIE TOWN,斥逾4億元、設有7間影院並提供逾1 ...全文


How VR can boost tourism by revitalizing forgotten sites

Every town and city around the world has scores of monuments, whether to heroes, famous past personalities, or events. But oftentimes, if the inhabitants have forgotten why those monuments were erecte ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-10

YOHO Town兩房山景678萬成交

元朗YOHO Town 6座高層F室,實用面積約411方呎,建築面積約550方呎,2房間隔,享山景,以678萬 ...全文



... 及《湖岸上的小鎮》(Town on the Bank of a Lake)等。 德蘭講究色彩運用,代表作有《乾 ...全文


Land reclamation favored by many people for supply boost: survey

... ht by new towns that were built many years ago in this way, unlike the case with older people. Asked if Hong Kong needs to develop another large new town like Sha Tin that covers an area of about 3,60 ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-03

Time for govt to rethink housing-oriented urban devt

... proach to town planning and drastically review the current model of urban development so as to redress the situation before it is too late. Take air pollution as an example. According to a joint study ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-30


... 從前在George Town大學教授國際關係,我年輕一點時仰慕其風采,也曾想過念一回IR,遂報考過幾間英倫學院 ...全文


夫婦1.55萬租YOHO Town兩房

元朗YOHO Town 9座中層C室,2房間隔,望東北樓景,實用面積約463方呎,建築面積約599方呎,業主原 ...全文


YOHO Town兩房呎售逾1.65萬 創新高

元朗YOHO Town第5座高層C室,實用面積393方呎,2房間隔,以650萬元沽出,實用呎價16539元,呎 ...全文


YOHO Town兩房呎售逾1.61萬 創新高

元朗YOHO Town第6座高層A室,實用面積422方呎,2房間隔,以680萬元沽出,實用呎價16114元,較 ...全文


Ready Player One: Back, just not to the future

... al shanty town shack via drone (glad I won't go hungry… phew), and clubs play the Bee Gees and New Order – classic groups, but I was hoping for some new tunes in 2045. It reflects the current obsessio ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-17

US, Britain blame Russia for global cyber attack

... tack in a town in Syria that prompted a US-led military strike over the weekend targeting facilities of the Russian-backed Syrian government, Joyce said. Shortly after the announcement, the White Hous ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-17

Why Chinese pay over a million yuan for a bottle of Moutai

... the small town of Moutai in Guizhou province by the state-owned Kweichow Moutai Co. Ltd. The company can only produce about 40,000 tons of authentic Moutai every year, and that amount is lagging far b ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-13


... 席、曾任Georgetown University外交學院(School of Foreign Service ...全文



... ly French town with brown-tile roofs and gray shutters」 ...全文


Suspected chemical attack in Syria puts US in a predicament

... ebel-held town of Douma in the Eastern Ghouta region was struck by a suspected chemical attack. According to the Syria Civil Defense, more commonly known as the “White Helmets”, the suspected chemical ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-11

英倫北部 雙城奇緣

... 維多利亞歌德式風格,Town Hall的內部則非常華麗,可供人舉行婚禮宴會,那天筆者到訪就有品牌活動,氣氛熱鬧 ...全文


YOHO Town車位225萬沽創元朗新高

元朗YOHO Town一個單號車位以225萬元沽出,創元朗區車位造價新高。 中原地產表示,原業主於2014年以 ...全文


What it's like in one of world’s most dangerous cities, Peshawar

... ysterious town for myself, which I finally did. Peshawar's reputation as a dangerous place is largely due to it geographical location: it lies in the northwestern Pakistani province that shares a bord ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-04


... y Game in Town: Central Banks, Instability, and Avoidin ...全文

今日信報理財投資博集先機Mohamed A. El-Erian2018年03月29日

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