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Investing in global vaccine equity acknowledges our shared fate

... , we must keep global vaccine access at the center of our efforts. Strong national commitments and financing for the Immunization Agenda 2030 framework can help get us there. Globalization has already ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-12

Is Hong Kong’s elite leaving?

... s here. I keep assets offshore and, short of a U.S.-China war, will be allowed to board a plane at the airport. Other Chinese in my situation with a foreign passport feel safe enough.” Derek Smith, an ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-12

Is Hong Kong's elite leaving?

... s here. I keep assets offshore and, short of a U.S.-Chi ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2021年08月12日

New normal of Asian economies: Navigating out of pandemic state

... ocused on keeping domestic growth strong, and has been increasingly turning inwards, with its economic policy of dual circulation - President Xi Jinping’s plan to make China’s economy more self-suffic ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-10


... 3歲,有考慮係咪應該keep返住份穩定嘅工作先,最後大家都覺得,如果我哋唔committed to(致力於)呢 ...全文


Year 2: How business leaders can rally their team for success

... entum and keep team morale high. It’s a trying time for leaders to not only raise the spirits of their teams but to maintain and strengthen their own. However, this is a challenge that can’t be ignore ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-05

Time to relax global travel restrictions

... desire to keep out potential new variants of the disease is understandable but unrealistic. There are only a few countries that have managed a near-zero COVID outcome – notably island states like New ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-04

Keys to winning the war for young Hong Kong talent

...  the game keep changing. Businesses need to be adapting their talent engagement strategies to the changing needs and desires of the graduates they strive for, with consistent and data-driven online an ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-03

Will China kick its coal habit?

... Change to keep global warming well below 2°C.” What explains China’s apparent return to its coal-addicted ways? For starters, the protests in Hong Kong, the trade war with the US, and the coronavirus ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-03

US-China Talks: Salvaging a relationship

... ttempt to keep the badly tattered relationship from going off the rails entirely. Much has changed in the intervening half century. In 1971, the United States was the world’s most powerful country and ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-03


... 闊,亦沒有收窄,只係keep住一個闊度上落中。有啲悶,要等。 依家10點26分,同聊天室嘅戰友一齊等到痴呆,較 ...全文


A third way for inflation?

... nology in keeping rates low. The Fed seems to be counting on this for some time. The European Central Bank (ECB) and the Bank of Japan (BOJ) will likely exit their crisis-oriented policies a year or t ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-02


... 怪她為何生死搏鬥依然keep到靚妝,求賞心悅目呀──我承認帶點變態,但驚慄配尤物構成特定類型,港產《盲女72小 ...全文



...  STC(14,3)keep住向下,目標望住保歷加通道中軸。 見恒指似乎咬住26000點唔想放口住,又見望下恒 ...全文


Three observations from China’s RRR cut

... quired to keep with the central bank, effectively releasing USD154 bn into the economy. The move came after the State Council called for greater support to the real economy and for the Small and Mediu ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-29

Is lifelong learning just an empty slogan?

... uring and keep up with the rapid digitalisation sweeping across the globe. Lifelong learning is a concept far from new. As early as 2000, the ‘Reform Proposals for the Education System in Hong Kong’ t ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-28

5 tips for better work-life harmony while working remotely

... tions and keep the individual more focused during the day. 5) Find a quiet desk away from homeRenting a dedicated workspace by the day is an excellent way to stay productive and properly manage one’s ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-27

Anti-science thinking, bad public education, and trashy films

... countries keep the masses happy and ensure a lack of scientific logic in processing events that happen like the current COVID-19 pandemic. Why believe in vaccines? They falsely believe that this will ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-27


... 五分鐘圖,其實都一直keep住喺50分鐘線(五分鐘圖10線)同100分鐘線(五分鐘圖20線)橫行,只係得條Sl ...全文


A climate agenda for the G20

...  needs to keep global warming from exceeding 1.5° Celsius, relative to pre-industrial levels. G20 countries not only account for 85% of global GDP, 75% of international trade, and two-thirds of the wo ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-23

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