
共 1907 個結果
頁數:1...35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 ...96

Building community crucial to data platform success: Tableau

... e Greater Bay Area development plan, company executives said. "Companies in Hong Kong need to put the power of data into the hands of everyone in order to navigate the era of disruption and manage the ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-08

Why HK integration with mainland is a double-edged sword

... u Greater Bay Area initiative, which aims to combine the advantages of Hong Kong and several mainland cities. However, some mafoos (staff who take care of horses) hired from the mainland went on strik ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-08

Political crisis reveals fault lines between HK and Beijing

...  “Greater Bay Area”. This Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor has done. But Lam’s initiative in introducing the extradition bill in a sensitive local and international setting put this well-est ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-05

Why luxury goods shops have reason to worry

Although I visit Causeway Bay at least three times a week, it's been a pretty long time since I went to the Times Square mall, not counting the occasional dining trip. But on Monday I had some free ti ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-02

New PolyU president seeks common ground with students and staff

... e Greater Bay Area and play a bigger role in the development of the region, he said. A native of Zhejiang province, Teng joined the university as a lecturer in the Department of Civil and Structural E ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-02

District結合AR 闖關卡爭排名

... 海灣(Marina Bay)、紐約中央公園等;至於香港,則包括太古城、西營盤、觀塘、赤柱、深水埗等。Pembe ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年07月02日


... o Greater Bay Area),其敲定與出台,惠州仲愷「匯港城港澳青年創業基地」被定為是拓展就業創業空 ...全文


Govt to focus on livelihood issues for remainder of term: source

... o Greater Bay Area program is apparently not on the government’s “not-to-do list” as it is largely an economic development initiative.  The same pro-establishment figure pointed out that the propagand ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-26


... 水域(Walker Bay),以純天然方式養殖,及以天然海藻餵飼。採收後以低溫長時間烹調,完全保留鮑魚骨膠原精 ...全文



... 收購初創Union Bay Networks,後者主力雲端運算(Cloud Networking)業務;其後於 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年06月26日

Tencent enhances focus on HK virtual bank venture

Tencent is stepping up a push into fintech business in the Greater Bay Area, putting in place a new head for its digital banking joint venture in Hong Kong. China's largest internet firm has tasked Vi ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-21

Huge business opportunity for HK in smart city services

... e Greater Bay Area to promote innovation and economic development. 3. Increasing public expectations of the government: Ho Chi Minh's annual income per capita continues to increase, reaching US$5,538 ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-17

Investors stepping up focus on southern China amid GBA plan: TMF

There is a view that not much has really happened on the ground since the Greater Bay Area (GBA) initiative was launched a few years ago and the Outline Development Plan for that was released in Febru ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-14

HKPC lines up projects to tighten cooperation in GBA

Hong Kong, Macau and Guangdong province will establish a technology and innovation corridor encompassing their regions as part of efforts to tighten cooperation in the Greater Bay Area. Edmond Lai Shi ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-13


... ns by the Bay),是老少咸宜,地方大,很空曠,建在填海地段,2012年6月落成,佔地101公頃,有 ...全文


How China's big data development has evolved

... u Greater Bay Area have underscored that data as a key element of innovation. This article appeared in the Hong Kong Economic Journal on May June 11 Translation by Julie Zhu [Chinese version 中文版] – Co ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-12

Meet the mom who started an e-commerce platform for kids clothes

... d Repulse Bay in pop-up trials in the city. Garner now hopes to find a suitable retail location to open the firm's first physical store in the future. This article appeared in the Hong Kong Economic J ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-11

Anti-extradition march: A day to remember

...  Causeway Bay and Hennessy Road as they walked from Victoria Park to government headquarters to convey to the Carrie Lam administration, and its backers in Beijing, how angry the people are against pr ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-10

180,000 join vigil to remember Tiananmen victims

...  Causeway Bay and Tin Hau MTR stations for several hours. While most of those who attended the vigil were locals, there were also foreigners who were concerned about the June 4th incident and mainland ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-05

The primary purpose of university education

... Francisco Bay Area. Apparently, some engineers were enjoying high six-figure salaries or even more per year. Given such situation, it's not surprising that demand for computer science training has bee ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-05

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