航運集團馬士基(Maersk)表示,至今已有94家公司和機構加入由該公司和IBM開發的區塊鏈平台TradeLe ...全文
Maersk said on Thursday that 94 companies and organizations have so far joined a blockchain platform that it is developing in partnership with IBM, an initiative aimed at providing more efficient and ...More
EJ Insight2018-08-10
... 當年成就超越蘋果嘅IBM同微軟,現在反而要不斷摸索,尋找出路。做生意同做人一樣,係長途賽,今日風光唔代表可以 ...全文
... %,報25462點,IBM收市飆3.32%,是表現最佳成分股;標指上揚0.46%,報2840點,卡夫亨氏上季盈 ...全文
... 輝瑞彈高1.92%,IBM更加飆3.26%,暫時成為表現最佳的兩隻成分股。 標普500指數報2835點,上揚8 ...全文
A US jury awarded International Business Machines Corp. US$83 million in a patent dispute with e-commerce company Groupon Inc., Reuters reports. A jury in Delaware said Groupon used IBM’s patented e-c ...More
EJ Insight2018-07-30
... ar下滑1.86%,IBM挫1.94%。 外圍焦點簡訊 ■ 特朗普再度抨擊聯儲局加息,以及強美元損害美國經濟。 ...全文
... ar下滑1.86%,IBM挫1.94%;標指亦窄幅上落,收市微跌0.09%。微軟業績強勁,股價高收1.79%創 ...全文
... reports. IBM is suing Groupon for US$167 million, accusing it of infringing four basic internet technology patents, in a case that is being closely watched by the tech industry. Armonk, New York-base ...More
EJ Insight2018-07-20
... .37%。道指成分股IBM上季業績勝預期,股價收漲3.2%;美鋁降今年盈測,股價瀉13.3%;美國運通和eBa ...全文
... 825點。道指成分股IBM上季業績勝預期,股價曾升逾4%,收市仍漲3.2%,但未能力挽狂瀾,因多間企業業績或前 ...全文
國際商業機器(IBM)周三市後公布第二季業績,經過第一季收入零增長後,營業額上季重拾增長,撇除滙率因素後按年增 ...全文
Oracle Corp has formally launched a blockchain cloud platform, joining other tech giants such as IBM and Microsoft in offering blockchain-as-a-service for firms that wish to deploy distributed ledger ...More
EJ Insight2018-07-19
... ,升少於0.1%■ IBM第二季純利按年升3%,每股盈利遜預期,收入多過預期■ EBay第二季純利6.42億美 ...全文