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Dynamic trends ignite optimism for growth stocks

...  from the COVID-19 pandemic due to significant demand related to work-from-home policies. After a vast amount of spending during the pandemic, the sector began to weaken in late 2022. This trend conti ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-21

萬人病逝難釋懷 籲早備戰防新疫情

... 現無可逆轉的局面。 COVID-19一役,袁國勇沒料到自己由教授變身為「偵探」,有化身刑偵探員到案發現場查案的 ...全文


The US economy is up, so why is Biden down?

... 0 billion COVID-19 Economic Relief Bill, signed by Trump in December, Congress and the president provided $200 billion a month in tax cuts and spending increases to offset a $30 billion monthly income ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-14

Achieving zero hunger is still possible

...  from the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing war in Ukraine to extreme weather events caused by climate change. As a result, global hunger has surged, with the world’s poorest people suffering the most ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-14


... 經濟脫鈎、2020年COVID-19大流行導致美英社會內種族衝突、2021年美軍狼狽撤出阿富汗和2022年烏克 ...全文


The hunger profiteers

The COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have caused commodity prices to soar in recent years, severely undermining global food security. Now, global food prices are down from the peaks of a year ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-11


... ,除了2020上半年COVID-19疫情爆發外,其餘時間都呈現向上增長的勢頭。 原文請閱8月份《信報財經月刊》 ...全文



... 香港地方較細,要直至COVID-19疫情,才明顯催化了遠程醫療的發展,背後原因主要由於當時有現實需要。新冠病人 ...全文


【信報月刊】貧窮衍生飢餓 百萬人待援手 —— 惜食堂梁錦松:挨餓不公義!

... 單親家庭或基層家庭,COVID-19後,我們有五成老人家,三成多是有需要的家庭,其他包括短期失業者。」梁錦松告 ...全文


減輕抑鬱負擔 提振國民經濟

... 者,均患有精神疾病,COVID-19疫情之前,與抑鬱症有關的經濟生產力損失,會導致全球經濟每年虧損1萬億美元。 ...全文


What does China’s food security push mean for soybean prices?

... ed by the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical tensions, China’s soybean imports fell by 5.6% to 91.08 million metric tons in 2022 - the second consecutive year of decline, according to data from the Ge ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-26

Food sovereignty increases food security

... . Just as COVID-19 underscored Africa’s urgent need for greater vaccine self-reliance, the war in Ukraine has exposed the vulnerability that comes with dependence on food imports. That vulnerability i ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-25


... 顧效能的希望,尤其在COVID-19疫情之中,明顯催化了遠程醫療發展。從醫療角度,智慧醫療已經不得不做;從科技 ...全文


Changing the culture at the World Bank

Ajay Banga, the newly-appointed President of the World Bank, is taking the helm at a pivotal moment. The devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have impeded progress in developing countries and ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-14


... 性」及震盪,例子包括COVID-19大流行、2008年金融危機和9.11恐襲。至於「科幻小說」,雖然可以完全脫 ...全文


China’s stunted transformation

... ed by the COVID-19 pandemic, have further impeded China’s structural transformation. In fact, the economy’s internal and external circulation have both slowed significantly, damaging the balance sheet ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-03

The end of Boris Johnson?

... Minister, Covid-19 rules were followed at all times by him and his staff at his office in Downing Street. It said that he lied by denying that parties that broke the rules were held there. Its punishm ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-29

The end of Boris Johnson?

... Minister, COVID-19 rules were followed at all times by ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年06月29日

The rise of the curated meeting

Covid-19 was the catalyst for a seismic shift in the way people work. The pandemic turbo-charged a revolution that was already underway, proving that technology can support productivity anywhere. At t ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-27

Financing innovations: Throwing good money after good

... uring the COVID-19 pandemic. Societies have established various mechanisms to encourage innovation. One is the market system: companies pay for research and development in the hope of selling innovati ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-23

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