... 5部神沙回收機。 與WeChat Pay拓陸客市場 HEYCOINS提供神沙回收服務,並將資金換為電子貨幣,在 ...全文
... 」 為配合微信支付(WeChat Pay)在大馬全面啟動,方正的子公司近月與微信支付於當地的首家指定收單服務商 ...全文
... 大手遊公司,旗下微信WeChat坐擁10億用戶,位列第二大手機通訊平台,也是內地第二大支付營運商,手機通訊與支 ...全文
... 被盜開設戶口的求助,WeChat Pay HK表示,沒有收過類似查詢,該公司一向重視用戶支付安全,確保用戶綁定 ...全文
... s popular WeChat app. As Go-Jek gained traction, it has become a formidable competitor to Singapore-based rival Grab, which is backed by tech conglomerate SoftBank and Chinese ride-hailing giant Didi ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-31
Tencent has been boosting investments in Internet and mobile-related ventures in recent years in a bid to expand usage of the firm's applications such as WeChat. But the Chinese firm has been lagging ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-31
... s Alipay, WeChat Pay, and the newly added FPS – and maybe many others will follow – they may have several terminal devices at the in-store point of sale, which may become an efficiency drag for them. ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-26
騰訊(00700)旗下流動支付平台WeChat Pay HK宣布,可於大家樂(00341)旗下12間餐廳,以W ...全文
... lation to WeChat Pay, focusing on Hong Kong, aiming to boost usage of the mobile payment service in the territory. Last Thursday, the Chinese tech behemoth announced that it has joined hands with Sun ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-23
... nd.com.hk WeChat ID:davidkho Facebook:Scaling Academy壯大 ...全文
... 0日至11月30日,WeChat Pay HK用戶在23間新地商場商戶消費,即可享有優惠,包括觀塘apm、旺角 ...全文
... measures. WeChat Pay HK, for instance, has a three-layer verification system. Customers have to key in the password, and the verification code of the credit card or debit card, as well as a six-digit ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-16
... 今年內支援微信支付(WeChat Pay)及「轉數快」(FPS)系統。 攻新鮮食品 住宅區提貨 至於本地其他網 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年10月16日
... 有不少討論及顧慮。 WeChat Pay HK三層驗證 據知當使用WeChat Pay HK的服務時均會提供3 ...全文
... 00700.HK) WeChat and some users lost up to 2,000 yuan (US$288), state media outlet Xinhua said on Thursday. A Shanghai-based spokeswoman for Apple declined to comment. Representatives for Tencent did ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-12