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Do eroding freedoms mean the death of Hong Kong?

... anghai at bay? I went there with a group of journalists and some of us asked each other the same question. We went to Shanghai Pudong's new business district of Qiantan where a massive commercial and ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-22

Do eroding freedoms mean the death of Hong Kong?

... anghai at bay? I went there with a group of journalists ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2018年11月22日

My high-speed rail journey to Big Bay Area and back

Ah, the Big Bay Area beckons! It takes no more than an hour to travel from Hong Kong to that part of China that holds so much promise. That may be true, but I happen to be on the "wrong" side of Hong ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-20

澳洲珀斯 大自然全接觸

... (Hangover Bay)。團友可以下水暢泳、嬉水,或者在岸上欣賞碧綠海面與藍天白雲組成的美景。沙灘漂亮,而 ...全文


Why Beijing must allow HK to preserve its uniqueness

...  Causeway Bay Bookshop, and the denial of work visa for Financial Times journalist Victor Mallet as examples indicating growing Beijing’s interference in Hong Kong. The article didn't mention the more ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-15

'Mouse Street' is world's most expensive retail location

...  Causeway Bay and home to high-end fashion brands and fine dining has displaced New York’s Upper 5th Street Avenue as the world’s most expensive retail street in terms of rentals. Over the last 12 mon ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-15

Natural vs surgical: The big divide

... e Greater Bay Area.  Given the seeming distaste for breast augmentation in Hong Kong, and the obviously different attitude among residents in the neighboring Chinese province, will we see reduced hook ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-12

Sports body eyes World Beach Games bid

... e Repulse Bay Beach as a suitable venue for international athletes to compete there, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. If Hong Kong can pull off the bid, the event will be the first large-scale ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-07

Some things we learnt from the FinTech Week

...  "Greater Bay Area", "Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge” or even the "Belt and Road" will not be leaving your life anytime soon, so you better make yourself numb to it. YAWN…zzzzzzzzzz – Contact us at eng ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-07

Why we need rail investments

... e Greater Bay Area. As we all know, the two mega projects are aimed to enhance Hong Kong’s connection with the mainland economically and socially, as well as in political and military terms. The XRL a ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-02

Man, 25, drowns while surfing in Big Wave Bay amid storm warning

...  Big Wave Bay Beach near Shek O.  They arrived at the beach at about 3 p.m. while the Standby Signal No. 1 for Severe Tropical Storm Yutu remained in force. The storm warning was issued at 8:40 a.m. H ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-01

女廠家奪魁 樓面呎價6753七年「最筍」

... 號BOTANICA BAY及太古地產的嶼南道160號WHITESANDS,其中BOTANICA BAY所有單位 ...全文


Why it is in Beijing’s best interests to uphold HK core values

...  Causeway Bay Books, and the outlawing of a political party. As a result, some countries and regions are intending to review their relations with our city. Suffice it to say that ruining the core valu ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-25

Lam's side-by-side walk with Xi at bridge event sparks buzz

... e Greater Bay Area. However, Beijing believes that Macau has done a better job than Hong Kong when it comes to implementation of the "one country" principle, and the central government would not espec ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-24

Lee Cheuk-yan ejected from EAC briefing for by-election bets

... e Kowloon Bay International Trade and Exhibition Centre at 6:30 p.m. on Monday. As the returning officer was about to begin the drawing of lots to determine the order of the candidates' names on the b ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-23

Xi opens mega bridge during symbolic trip to southern China

...  “Greater Bay Area” around the Pearl River Delta modeled on other global economic dynamos like San Francisco Bay and Tokyo Bay. “The bridge stimulates the interaction and trades between Guangdong, Hon ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-23

Quota set for cross-boundary private cars using mega bridge

... o Greater Bay Area, Hongkong Post said. – Contact us at [email protected] TL/JC/CG ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-23

Former Sun Hung Kai chief Walter Kwok dies at 68

... eep Water Bay in late August, had been in a coma since he was moved to the Hong Kong Adventist Hospital in Happy Valley after initially being lodged in the intensive care unit of Ruttonjee Hospital. I ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-22

Thousands join protest march against mega reclamation plan

...  Causeway Bay at 3 p.m. and ended at the Civic Square at the east wing forecourt of the government headquarters in Admiralty. Marchers shouted slogans to express their objections, with some raising ba ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-15

Why Carrie Lam’s policy address failed to please Hongkongers

... e Greater Bay Area, but this, too, does not appeal to most young Hongkongers, who are wont to resist further integration with the mainland. No wonder the Lantau Tomorrow Vision has been blasted by the ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-12

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