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20歲男屢遭截查 申覆核警權被拒

... uire much to justify(可能不須很多理由)」,並稱向警員出示身份證,只會耽誤市民行程一至兩分 ...全文


安踏中期多賺32% 息增三成

... TC(Direct-to-consumer)模式轉型,店舖層面的租賃費用及員工成本有所增加,導致經營開支佔收益 ...全文



... has begun to fall in past 2 months, ONS research finds) ...全文


How automation keeps enterprises ahead of the curve

After a period of relative isolation, Hong Kong is gearing up to step back into the global limelight. Many industries have seen relentless seismic shifts, with their market landscapes shaken up again ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-22

Dynamic trends ignite optimism for growth stocks

While 2022 was challenging for equity markets, growth stocks rebounded in the first half of 2023, driven by resilient corporate earnings, moderating inflation, and strong consumer demand. Growth stock ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-21

達成三份成果文件 新華社:散發冷戰寒意

... ommitment to Consult)。 為了應對區內影響三國利益和安全的挑釁和威脅,美日韓將最少每年舉行 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年08月21日


... 外,也需由民間、B to B(商業與商業)「開小門」配合,「成個香港隊一齊去團結」。他相信,本港在科技方面仍有 ...全文


美日韓歷史性峰會 確定合作藍圖
共同威脅成焦點 中方斥搞「亞太小北約」

... ommitment to Consult),美日韓將加強協商機制,就三國面臨意外、危急狀況等共同挑戰時,保持密 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年08月19日

The debt supercycle comes to China

The 2008 financial crisis in the United States kicked off a debt supercycle, which spread to Europe in 2010 and has recently engulfed many of the world’s low-income and lower-middle-income countries. ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-18

Why is US inflation falling?

In just one year, inflation in the United States has fallen from a peak of about 9% to just 3%. Standard economic models suggest that such rapid disinflation would be possible only with a large increa ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-18

混血創作人鮑比達 細說香港音樂靈魂與DNA

... 是一座紅色鋼琴,彈奏Touch Me in the Morning……有個小女孩很怪,樣子不中不西的,後來才知 ...全文


Managing the AI backlash

... esistance to revolutionary technologies has been a major factor in past periods of stagnant growth. Predictably, the initial enthusiasm for generative artificial intelligence, following ChatGPT’s rele ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-17

The right way to intervene in clean tech

As Western governments face the increasingly urgent task of accelerating the transition to a low-carbon economy, the pendulum has swung away from a heavy reliance on markets to drive innovation toward ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-17

英特快批BNO簽證 中方斥圖抹黑禍港

... ommitment to the people of Hong Kong)」。 根據政策,持BNO申請人若然有 ...全文


本土咖啡種植 推廣港式風味

... 透過推廣「Seed to Cup」理念,讓更多人認識本土風味的咖啡豆。 從「老農田有機農場」(O-Farm) ...全文



... 。我之前看過Clayton M. Christen教授和Paul R. Carlile教授在Academy o ...全文


凱柏峰III呎售1.69萬 一年賣平8%

... 苑比較,例如SEA TO SKY、LP6、MALIBU及晉海等,樓齡約2年至4年半,二手平均成交呎價約1.55 ...全文


No light in Hong Kong’s night economy

Who could have expected this 10 years ago? The high-speed train, the cross-border bus and the cruise terminal all promised to bring over the rich uncles and aunties from the mainland to Hong Kong. Ins ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-16

The end of zero interest rates

... nitely. Astonishingly, as recently as January 2022, investors put the probability of rates in the US, eurozone, and the UK rising above 4% within five years at only 12%, 4%, and 7%, respectively. Afte ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-16

新興市場日趨穩健 更具吸引力

... 貸存比率(Loan to Deposit Ratio)更保守,並且存款來源更多元化;這亦能反映新興市場的穩健性 ...全文


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