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徒弟Benson在大坑京街經營的Yellow Mustard酒吧兼餐廳小店不經不覺已有6年,這小店座位不多,約 ...全文



... n老弟在大坑區經營的Yellow Mustard,本來收了政府8萬元的補貼可以支持一陣子,但這禁令如果真的持續 ...全文



... 出身,他甚懂酒,他的Yellow Mustard小店麻雀雖小,但威士忌的種類頗多,對班哥更是禮遇有加。數月來賦 ...全文


Tackling climate change with COVID-19 urgency

... h as the “Yellow Vest” protests that exploded in France in response to a planned fuel-tax increase. Such unrest highlights the need to put social justice at the heart of our climate response. In 2020, ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-03

Welcome to the post-virus world

... laria and yellow fever, at least for themselves. Penicillin and streptomycin were deployed in force during the 1940s. Childhood vaccinations for smallpox, measles, mumps, rubella, and chickenpox soon ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-31

Should pan-dems hold primaries in functional constituencies?

...  so many “yellow” food outlet licensees are eager to throw their hats in the ring is that they believe they can unseat the incumbent office holder Tommy Cheung Yu-yan of the Liberal Party, one source ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-16

Virus outbreak: HK civil society can save itself–and China too

... r one is "yellow" or "blue" should have little to do wi ...全文

今日信報時事評論Brian Wong2020年03月14日

Catering sector set for pitched battle in Legco FC contest

...  between "yellow" and "blue" camps has begun to spill over into the Legco functional constituency election of the catering industry. Earlier, Gordon Lam Sui-wa, convenor of a pro-democracy ("yellow") ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-13

What does Carrie Lam's career graph tell us?

... sters are yellow ribbons, a term that describes the pro-democracy camp. Also, up to 80 percent or even 90 percent of professionals belong to the yellow-ribbon camp. This is why Beijing has very limite ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-12


... 前的記者都看成敵人或yellow object,任意推撞、噴椒,到時前線記者full gear採訪也不免周身傷 ...全文


Virus outbreak: HK civil society can save itself – and China too

... r one is “yellow” or “blue” should have little to do with whether one deserves medical aid and support. Shortage of medical supplies and daily necessities – the latter induced by panic runs and scarem ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-09


... 警號」(A New Yellow Peril),其他國家例子包括:在網上出現不同指罵中國人的暴力言語,呼籲消費 ...全文

今日信報時事評論香港社區組織協會 民權教育中心2020年03月09日

Discrimination should not be tolerated in civilized society

... ng for a “yellow economic circle” in an attempt to change the local business environment. These people want local consumers boycott “blue” stores and support “yellow” outlets. In a free market, Hong K ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-04


... 薯條(188元); Yellow Pollack with Glazed Carrots, Lemongras ...全文


烏群眾阻武漢僑民住隔離營 釀暴力衝突

... 紙標題「黃色警報」(Yellow Alert),配圖是一個戴着口罩的中國婦女;日本亦有人張貼中文傳單,要求感染 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年02月22日

Togetherness, instead of labeling, will help us fight the virus

... headline “Yellow Alert” in the French newspaper Le Courrier Picard and the trending Twitter hashtag #ChineseDon’tComeToJapan, Chinese (and in some cases, Asians) around the globe are being equated wit ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-18

免撞防疫資訊發布 警隊冀4點記招退場

... 時迴避質問,甚至爆出yellow object等惹人反感的詭辯「金句」,到後期更逐漸變成警隊單方面發聲平台。 ...全文


Pan-democratic DC members must help uphold law and order

... from the "yellow bloc" must not apply double standards when it comes to curbing violence: while they are eagerly condemning alleged police brutality, they should also denounce and prevent the violence ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-23

How the 'blue' camp can turn the tide of public opinion

More than seven months into the civil unrest in Hong Kong, the war between the “yellow” and  “blue” camps appears to have ground to a stalemate, with neither side being able to gain an upper hand. For ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-21

Why vandalism acts won't help the protest movement

... ed “light-yellow” or “light-blue” camps respectively, the destruction of “Blue stores” by protesters may alienate the citizens and push them towards the opposite side of the movement. If the second sc ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-21

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