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英國業餘欖球員約翰高文(John Goldman)是體壇奇葩,現年76歲仍為地區欖球隊Mill Hill RF ...全文


A taste of authentic Italian cuisine in an ancient hill town

... ched on a hill has a hotel that used to be the home of a princess and has a history of 600 years. That's where we decided to stay. The hotel's receptionist recommended a few restaurants where we could ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-24

Taking in Lion Rock from hilltops

... tand on a hilltop to fully admire Lion Rock. Here are a few vantage points: 1. Kowloon Peak The east ridge of Kowloon Peak is mainly stone-paved, making it easy but quite tiring to go up. Walking up t ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-24

MONTEREY下月推 分層最細僅239呎

... ENSINGTON HILL昨日以3970.2萬元售出33樓A室,實用面積1134方呎,呎價3.5萬元,成交金 ...全文


Govt to boost land supply with 28 sites up for sale

...  Caroline Hill Road site, the Sai Yee Street site and various sites in Kai Tak. In total, these can provide about 1.1 million square meters of floor area. -- Contact us at [email protected] RA ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-22

Labor and capital in the age of Trump

... s Capitol Hill would not be a near-term impediment if the administration chooses this policy path. Such a tariff could have severe effects on the Mexican economy and would likely negatively impact US ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-22


《金融時報》編輯安德魯.希爾(Andrew Hill)早前撰文談廣告趨勢,他認為廣告乃商品魅力的製造者,由社會 ...全文


Man suspected of jumping to death after strangling wife

A 58-year-old man plunged to his death Wednesday morning from his home in a high-rise building in Diamond Hill while his 56-year-old wife was found dead in her bed. The man, surnamed Au, might have ki ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-16

Reminiscing about old Hong Kong at Lion Rock

Located between Kowloon Tong and Tai Wai, Lion Rock stands 495 meters high. Although it is not the tallest hill in the city, it transcends peers in Hong Kong in terms of fame. This is in large part du ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-10


... ensington Hill將於本月分批出信予業主收樓,項目尚餘5個特色戶待售,現時折實呎價約3.2萬至4.2 ...全文


曼島 遺世獨立

... 曼島和Meayll Hill之間延伸出去,然後在天邊消失掉。雖說曼島居民中,工作的人數只有三成左右,但午後這個 ...全文


博彩無分高低 莊家也要講運

... 彩商William Hill仍然在困境中掙扎,多次嘗試與其他博彩商合併也無功而回,業務表現也令人擔憂,本月較早 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年01月25日

高消費地區 外號「Double Pay」

... 區Bellevue Hill有兩間中學,同為私立男校,其中Scots College的高考(HSC)成績在新州 ...全文



... 》(Notting Hill)中的情節:茱莉亞羅拔絲走進曉治格蘭所開的小書店,挑了一本旅遊書,在付錢時發現「啊 ...全文


Fight begins on Capitol Hill as Republicans vow Obamacare repeal

... o Capitol Hill to urge Democratic lawmakers to protect the measure, which is known as Obamacare, Reuters reports. That came as Vice President-elect Mike Pence said repeal of the healthcare law would b ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-05

Tory Burch停靠牙買加海島

... 以牙買加Round Hill度假村的繁盛時期為設計靈感,不遺餘力地展現了海島生活的風貌。 雖說是美國品牌,又是 ...全文


Winners of HK Top Story 2016 contest named by RTHK, EJ Insight

... : Diamond Hill – Sonia Leung Fong-ling Third Prize: The African Tulip Tree – John Francis Smith Most Creative Award: Sun and Moon on October 25 – Chow Jung-sing [Top Story 2016] -- Contact us at engli ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-19

[Hong Kong's Top Story 2016] Diamond Hill

... d Diamond Hill. The half hut we rented had an old rusty iron gate with peeling claret paint on the ground floor for entry. Two steps led down from the gate into the only room. There were two tarnished ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-19

Going up Cloudy Hill in Tai Po

Hiking enthusiasts seek to conquer famous hilltops such as Sharp Peak in Sai Kung and Lantau Peak on Lantau Island. However, the task would be a bit challenging for beginner hikers, who might want to ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-16

How the Nepalese are trying to find their place in Hong Kong

... on Monkey Hill during weekends. Due to our political, social and traditional background, we have an extremely divided society. The ever-rising number of organizations, groups and communities can attes ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-15

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